Page 26 of Blue Skies

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“I’m sorry,” Greg whispered.

“Nothing to be sorry about. We’re learning. I’m sorry I didn’t recognize what you were doing right away.”

“Would you have said no?”

“As much as it would have killed me, I would have.”

“Oh.” Greg tilted his head back and met Holden’s gaze. “And if I asked now?”

“Do you want to?”

“Holden.” The way Greg said his name made Holden shiver. “Can I touch you again? Please?”

Swallowing against his suddenly dry mouth, Holden nodded.

Greg’s hand slid down his arm, then Greg stepped back to have better access to Holden’s body. He resumed those caresses that had been driving Holden to the brink, but this time Holden felt a difference. Greg was learning him, mapping his body, paying attention to places where Holden was sensitive.

“May I touch your cock?” Greg asked, and Holden nodded then gasped as Greg’s hand closed around his erection. It took all his strength and will power not to thrust into Greg’s fist, and his stomach trembled with the effort.

Greg moved closer, his thigh sliding between Holden’s legs, flesh slicked by the soap as he moved his hips, letting Holden’s cock ride the line of his groin. Holden was momentarily distracted by Greg’s lack of erection, by the softness of the dick nestled against the top of his thigh, but then Greg began to stroke him, and Holden let himself relax into the way his body responded to the sureness of Greg’s touch. It was glorious.

Up and down, Greg’s thumb riding the underside of his cock, fingers twisting around the crown, while the firm muscles of Greg’s thigh provided friction to Holden’s balls. Greg leaned in and teased at Holden’s ear with his tongue and teeth, and Holden had a fleeting thought that if this was what Greg was like when he wasn’t aroused, he might not survive if and when Greg got turned on. But then Greg laughed softly, the sound sending another cascade of shivers down Holden’s spine.

“Don’t worry about me,” Greg said. “Just let yourself enjoy what I’m doing.”

Before Holden could respond, Greg’s tongue gave a final tease to his ear, and his teeth closed briefly on the soft flesh of Holden’s ear lobe. His lips trailed along Holden’s jaw; gentle nips flared briefly with pain that Greg’s tongue quickly soothed. Then Greg’s lips were on Holden’s, and that clever tongue flicked out to run along his lower lip, sliding ever so lightly between the top and bottom. Holden opened his mouth, and Greg slid inside, and the sensation was everything Holden hadn’t realized he was missing.

His groan echoed in the bathroom at the sweet taste of Greg’s mouth as Greg’s hand worked his cock. Fingers caressed and squeezed in time to the thrusts of Greg’s tongue and the rock of his hips, and Holden was tumbling over the edge of an orgasm he hadn’t even been aware of as it built. Flashes of light obscured his vision as his cock pulsed out a hot stream of cum, searing his delicate flesh as Greg continued to work him, teasing out another peak, another burst of liquid, before Holden grew too sensitive and pulled away.

They continued to kiss, Greg’s hands running over Holden’s back, Holden’s rising to trace the deep groove of Greg’s spine, until the water ran cool, and they rinsed off. Greg shut off the shower and grabbed the towel he’d had on earlier, then took the other towel and dried Holden.

Holden couldn’t remember a lover who had taken such care with him, who had treated him with such consideration while playing his body like a master. He felt drugged, his limbs heavy as they exited the shower stall and climbed into bed. With a sigh, Holden sank down and stared at the ceiling. Tears clouded his eyes, and he blinked hard to clear them, his body still reeling from the aftershocks of his orgasm. He couldn’t bear to look at Greg, his emotions running too deep and too close to the surface to share them, so he draped an arm over his eyes.

The bed dipped as Greg rolled close to him and traced a finger along Holden’s collarbone.

“Are you sure I can’t return the favor?” Holden asked as his heart calmed.

“I’m sure. You’re not leaving me hanging. Believe me, I’d have no problem letting you know if you were.”

The admission made Holden chuckle. “I’m sure you wouldn’t,” he said. “It’s hard to believe you didn’t get turned on.”

“I know.” Greg shrugged and snuggled closer. Holden let his arm drop and wrapped it around Greg’s shoulder, drawing him tight against his side. “And thank you for checking in and not pushing. I’m almost embarrassed by how I acted.”

“There’s no need for that. Like I said, we’re learning. We’ve both got history that’s going to get in the way.”

Greg nodded. “And thank you for not pushing to reciprocate. I’ve had partners who haven’t understood that I don’t need to get off and insisted on making me come even after I told them I didn’t want it.” He placed a finger over Holden’s lips as Holden was about to express his distress on Greg’s behalf. “It is what it is, and I’m fine.” He shrugged again. “An orgasm is just a physiological response. You touch my cock enough, I’m going to have one, even if I’m not aroused, and I absolutely don’t ever need to come just because you have.”

Holden turned his head so he could look at Greg. “I always thought it was the polite thing to do.”

“I’m sure the guys I was with thought they were being conscientious and generous lovers by making sure I got to finish too, but…”

Shaking his head, Holden tightened his hold on Greg, feeling a surge of protectiveness wash over him. “If it’s not what you want, it’s not okay.”

Greg released a deep breath. “No, it’s not,” he said quietly and wrapped an arm across Holden’s chest and a leg across his thigh.

“I will never do that to you.”

Closing the distance between them, Greg placed a soft kiss on Holden’s lips. “Thank you.” Holden held still as Greg pulled back. He could tell Greg was studying him, analyzing, considering. “I trust you,” he said. “Maybe I’m being an idiot all over again, but something about you…”
