Page 34 of Blue Skies

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“It’s good to see you happy,” she said.

“I think it’s good to be happy.”

Rose gave him a look, which Greg knew meant she had more she wanted to say but was holding back. He had a good idea of what was on her mind, so he squeezed her hand, then leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. “He’s a good one, Mom.”

She nodded. “Then don’t keep him waiting.” She let go of his hand.

“Good night, mom. Love you.” Greg shook his head and slid from the seat.

Holden had already disappeared into the cabin by the time Greg watched his mother head back to the inn’s main building. He stood for a moment, listening to the quiet descend as the cart’s engine faded: the sound of water in the river, the gentle rustle of tree branches, an owl hooting somewhere in the dark. Overhead, the sky was like black velvet set with millions of glittering jewels, the arch of the Milky Way visible now that the storm had passed. His parents had made sure to install dark-sky lights on the inn’s exterior to keep the night sky as visible as possible, so the view was breathtaking.

“Are you coming in?”

Greg turned to find Holden standing in the doorway. He’d changed into sweats but hadn’t put a shirt on, and Greg’s stomach filled with butterflies again.

“I was just taking a moment to admire the view,” Greg said.

“You’re not looking at it, though.”

With a shrug, Greg started for the doorway and the man standing in it. “Depends on what you think I want to look at.” He grinned as he came to a stop in front of Holden.

Holden slid his hands over Greg’s shoulders and rested his fingers along his neck, toying with the short hairs that had gotten damp with sweat while they were dancing. “Do you like what you see?”

“I do.” Greg nodded solemnly, as if it were the most serious question he’d ever been asked. He liked the feel of Holden touching him, liked the tingle of electricity that followed in the wake of Holden’s caresses. A shiver ran the length of his spine as Holden began to trace the outline of his mouth, and Greg wrapped his arms around Holden’s waist. “I really enjoyed dancing with you,” he whispered as he drew Holden closer.

“Same here. I can’t tell you how incredible it’s been to spend this time with you.” Holden’s voice had grown husky, and though Greg could feel his erection through his sweats, Holden wasn’t thrusting it against him or trying to get him to touch it. Holden truly seemed content to stand on the porch and touch. Could he be any more perfect?

When Holden chuckled, Greg knew he’d said that last part out loud and leaned back in Holden’s embrace so he could see the man’s expression. Of course, he was grinning.

“You’re very good for my ego,” Holden said and drew his hands down Greg’s arms until he could entwine their fingers. Stepping backward, Holden pulled him into the cabin. “Come inside where it’s warmer.”

The interior was only lit by the small bedside lamp, which gave it a cozy and romantic feel. Greg wished there was time to start a fire, but it was already late and the fire wouldn’t do much to warm the cabin before they had to tamp it down for the night. He tucked it away as something to do the following night. Maybe he’d even arrange to have dinner brought to the cabin so they could spend more time alone.

With a start, Greg realized the direction in which his thoughts had gone and turned to face Holden. Their hands were still entwined, and Holden pulled gently to bring Greg back into his arms. He hummed softly as he wrapped his arms around Greg’s waist and began to sway as if they were still on the dance floor. Just like he had before, Holden spun Greg out, then pulled him in again, this time bringing Greg’s back against his chest while his hands migrated to Greg’s stomach, and he rested his chin on Greg’s shoulder.

Holden hadn’t shaved in the past two days, and his stubble brushed against Greg’s neck as they rocked back and forth in the middle of the room. The feel of it made him arch his neck, exposing more skin to the feel of those rough hairs.

Closing his eyes, Greg leaned back in Holden’s embrace. When Holden began placing gentle kisses under Greg’s jaw and trailing his fingers across his throat, Greg sighed. He felt so relaxed it was as if he was melting against Holden’s body.

“There it is,” Holden whispered, and Greg turned in his arms.

He searched Holden’s eyes, looking for any indication that this man was not exactly who he seemed to be. When he didn’t find it, Greg closed the distance between them, his mouth finding Holden’s.

The kiss was soft. Slow. The warmth of Holden’s lips met the heat of his own. The lingering sweetness of his breath bore traces of the Manhattan he’d had at the bar, and reminded Greg of the way they’d moved together on the dance floor. He touched the tip of his tongue to Holden’s mouth, teasing swipes that slowly mapped its contours.

Holden let him explore, remaining still as Greg teased at the seam of his lips, darting away when Holden parted them slightly in invitation. He nipped at the ridge of skin that marked the edges of Holden’s mouth, noting that his upper lip was more sensitive than the lower one as he traced the divot above its center.

Greg had never been more fascinated with a man’s mouth, but it was more than that. It was the way Holden seemed to be taking pleasure from his explorations. If the way Holden gripped his waist and the slight tremble in his hands was anything to go by, not to mention the very prominent erection pressing against him. But that was the thing. Holden wasn’t trying to move things along; he wasn’t pressing against Greg, nudging him back toward the bed, or pulling at Greg’s clothes. In fact, it was just the opposite, and that was confusing the hell out of him.

“Why?” Greg pulled back enough to see Holden’s face.

“Why what?” Holden’s voice was husky and rough, his lips redder than when they’d walked in the door.

Greg couldn’t help himself—he raised a finger and traced the slightly puffy flesh, shaking his head when Holden closed his eyes and sighed.

“Why is this enough for you?” Greg asked, worrying that he was about to ruin the moment.

Another sigh left Holden’s parted lips, but it wasn’t as content as the previous one had been. Holden opened his eyes. His intense stare bored into Greg’s, but there didn’t seem to be any frustration or disappointment in his gaze, just curiosity mixed with sympathy.
