Page 46 of Blue Skies

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“Doesn’t matter, does it? When you find that connection with someone?” Jason’s blue eyes were back to studying Holden.

“I suppose not.” He took a deep breath, then squared his shoulders and looked Jason in the eye. “I’m pretty sure I’m falling for him, too. And I will do everything I can not to hurt him.”

Jason tipped his mug toward Holden. “Good to know.” Then he raised it a bit higher. “Greg.”

“What is this? Good cop, bad cop?” Greg asked as he rounded the table and sat in the chair to Holden’s right. He immediately picked up Holden’s hand and laced their fingers together. “Mom’s been grilling me about Holden, and then I come down to find you doing the same to him.”

“It’s okay,” Holden said. He recognized that Greg seemed more amused than angry. “Your dad and I were just having a cup of coffee together until you got here.”

“Good. I’d hate to think your last moments here were going to be my father asking about your intentions toward me.”

Jason laughed, and Greg aimed a sour expression in his direction. “I think it’s pretty clear what Holden’s intentions are.” He stood, then seemed to hear what Greg had said. “What’s this about you leaving?”

“I’m afraid so. I have a meeting back East first thing tomorrow morning.”

When Jason held out his hand, Holden stood to take it. The man’s grip was firm, and Holden met his steady gaze with his own. “I expect to see you again,” he said quietly.

“I sincerely hope so,” Holden answered. “It’s been a pleasure meeting you and Rose.”

With one last look at Greg, Jason nodded, then left the restaurant. Holden sat down and exhaled.

“He likes you,” Greg said, picking up one of the menus, even though Holden was pretty sure he knew the thing by heart.

“I like him too.” Holden took Greg’s hand back in his own and brought it to his lips. “However, the only person I really care about liking me is you.”

“Then you’re safe on that account because I do. Very much.”

“Did your mom give you a rough time?”

Greg laughed and shook his head. “They’re ridiculous.”

“They care.”

“And they’re complete romantics.”

The waiter returned to their table, stalling any further conversation as they ordered. Greg poured coffee for himself and warmed Holden’s mug for him. It felt domestic, which made Holden feel content.

Greg took a sip from his mug. “God. I can’t believe she jumped on me before I had coffee.” He took another sip and dropped his head forward. “I love my mom, but sometimes it’s like she doesn’t know I’m an adult.”

“Even at my age, my mom’s the same way,” Holden said. “I think it’s great that they want to make sure I’m good enough for you.”

“You are,” Greg told him. He turned and met Holden’s gaze with that same straightforward expression as Jason, and Holden had a pretty good idea where their conversation was headed. “So, how are we going to do this?”

Holden shrugged. “I have no idea, but I think knowing that we’re both willing to try is a good first step.”

“I am,” Greg said.

“As am I.” Holden held up his coffee mug, and Greg lifted his. They clinked the mugs together, then took a sip. “Okay. So, we’re in agreement that we want to continue seeing each other. As you can probably tell, my schedule is likely to change at the drop of a hat. It’s not usually this chaotic, but I can’t guarantee that it won’t screw up any plans that we make at some point.”

“I’ve got some control over my schedule. I can choose some of my routes, and it’s pretty common for us to swap flights, but if my carrier needs a body and my name comes up—” Greg shrugged. “—I can’t guarantee anything either.”

Holden pulled his personal phone out of his messenger bag. “We can set up a calendar that has both our schedules on it and then coordinate when we’re going to be in the same city.”

“And I can try to be in LA whenever you come out there. Just so you know, I live with three other guys, so we’re probably still going to be meeting up in your hotel room.”

“I can live with that,” Holden said. “I’ll make sure to book rooms with only one bed.”

They grinned at each other, and Greg nodded. “Okay.”
