Page 47 of Blue Skies

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“I should be in LA again next month. I’ll text you the dates.”

Greg nodded. “If I’m not in town, I’ll swap flights.”

“Okay. And I’ll set up the calendar while I’m waiting for my flight tonight.”

Instead of responding, Greg leaned over and kissed him, making Holden wonder how he’d gone so long without Greg’s mouth on his. Every time they came together, it reminded Holden that he’d never felt this kind of desire for anyone before. He’d never been with anyone for whom he was willing to go through this much effort to see again. And, again, “effort” was the wrong word because Holden would willingly drop everything and join Greg wherever he happened to be, even if they only had the time for a cup of coffee between flights.

Provided Brody or one of his other coworkers wasn’t with him at the time. And even then, Holden realized, he’d probably throw caution to the wind because homophobes be damned, he had more than a suspicion that this man in his arms might be someone with whom he wanted to share the rest of his life.

As that thought pushed its way to the forefront of his mind, Holden groaned and broke the kiss. He rested his forehead against Greg’s, his hand lightly caressing the short hairs along Greg’s neck. What wouldn’t he do or risk for more time with this man?

“I think I might more than like you,” he whispered.

“I might more than like you too,” Greg whispered back.

They probably would have kissed again, except that the waiter chose that moment to bring their breakfast plates. Holden had opted for a Denver omelet again, while Greg had gone with avocado toast. They swapped first bites, and Holden shook his head at how much the thought of sharing breakfasts with Greg appealed to him.

As they ate, they talked more about how to make this long-distance thing work. Holden told Greg about the two phones he carried and gave him the number for his work phone to use in an emergency.

“I’m probably more cautious than I have to be, but—” He shrugged, then looked down when Greg took hold of his hand.

“If it helps you feel safe, then it’s what you need to do,” Greg told him. “Now, something more serious to ask.” He waggled his eyebrows at Holden and leaned closer. “How do you feel about sexting and phone sex?”Holden laughed and rubbed at the stiff bristles on his chin as he shook his head. “I’m willing to try. I’ve honestly never done it before, so I might be terrible at it.”

“Oh, honey, what have you been doing all these years?” Greg teased.

“Obviously, hanging out with the wrong people.”

Even though they took their time, breakfast ended much too quickly, but Holden knew he had to get going. He was booked on a six o’clock flight to DC, so he had some leeway, but not a lot, especially if there was any kind of tie-up on the highway.

Greg held Holden’s hand as they returned to the SUV. Holden opened the driver’s door and put his messenger bag inside, then turned to face Greg. He took hold of both Greg’s hands and drew him close. Greg pushed him against the vehicle’s side, connecting along the full length of their bodies and staring into Holden’s eyes before he lowered his mouth to Holden’s. There was an urgency to the press of Greg’s lips, the incursion of his tongue, the rocking of his body against Holden’s. An urgency that Holden met with equal fervor.

They were both breathing hard when they broke apart. Their bodies remained in contact while Greg rested his forehead against Holden’s. “I hate that you’re leaving,” he said.

“I do too. But we’ll see each other in a few weeks.”

Greg laughed, but it was a self-conscious sound of disbelief. “It feels like forever,” he said and shook his head.

With a chuckle, Holden shook his head. “I know. I feel like a teenager with my first crush, not a grown-ass man.” He wrapped his hands around Greg’s waist and pulled him as close as he could. “I meant everything I’ve said to you, Greg. I can’t wait to see you again, and I’m looking forward to our first phone call.”

“Me too.”

Then they were kissing again, but it wasn’t as deep as the previous one, and Holden knew it was time to leave. They separated, but Holden didn’t let go of Greg’s hand. As he started to walk away, Holden pulled him back and spun him, just like he had on the dance floor, bending him backward and grinning when Greg turned pliable in his arms.

“Until we meet again, love,” Holden said and watched Greg’s eyes widen then deepen with emotion.

“Until then. Love.”

Holden heard the hesitation, but it didn’t worry him. He had no doubt that he and Greg were not only on the same page, but they were reading from the same book.

Another quick kiss, and Holden brought Greg back to his feet. They embraced for a final time, and then Holden got in the SUV. Greg stepped to the side while Holden started the vehicle and backed out of the parking space, waving as Holden turned toward the exit. Holden waved back, then turned his eyes forward and left the High Valley Ranch and Resort and the man who had seemingly captured his heart in the past three days.

As soon as he was on Route 82, Holden felt an emptiness in his chest. The more distance he put between himself and Greg, the larger it grew.This is wrong, his brain told him,so wrong, but what else could he do?

His phone rang after he’d been driving for about fifteen minutes, and Holden smiled. It was Greg. He pressed the button on the steering wheel to answer the call.

“Miss me already?” he asked.

“You know I do,” Greg answered.
