Page 48 of Blue Skies

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“Can’t say I’m in much better shape.”

They both laughed but then settled into talking. It astounded Holden that after being with each other for more than three days straight, they still had so much to talk about. The miles flew by after that. Before Holden knew it, they’d been talking for nearly four hours, and he was nearing the airport.

“I’m going to have to go,” he said and smiled when he heard Greg sigh.

“I know. I can’t believe I already miss you.”

“Me too.”

“Call me when you reach DC? Please? I don’t care what time it is.”


They both hesitated, and Holden felt the weight of the unspoken words cradled between them. It was much too early to say them, but Holden took heart from the fact that they both seemed to be holding space for it. And it was a comfortable space. It didn’t feel as if Greg was waiting for him to say something or if he was waiting for Greg. It wasn’t awkward; it was simply that they had both paused at a place whereI love youmight be said after they’d known each other for more than seventy-some-odd hours.

Holden cleared his throat. “I should go. My exit’s coming up, and I need to pay attention.”

“Okay. I’ll talk to you later.”


“I’m hanging up now.”


Again, they both hesitated. Then they both laughed.

“We’re ridiculous,” Greg said. “Have a good flight.”

“Thanks. Bye.”

Holden pressed the End Call button on the steering wheel. The ache in his chest returned as soon as the SUV was silent, but there was nothing he could do about it now.

Returning the SUV was simply a matter of dropping it off in the rental return parking lot, then getting himself to the terminal, checked in, and through security. After that, Holden planned to grab something to eat in the first-class lounge and relax with a glass of wine before his flight while he checked his email and got caught up on some work. Getting food and a drink went as planned, but, as Holden sat down, his mind drifted back to Greg. He fought with himself for all of fifteen seconds before he took out his phone and sent a text.

I miss you already.

He watched his screen for a bit before deciding that Greg wasn’t going to respond and leaned forward to put the phone down on the table when those three dots appeared. As eager as any teenager, Holden grabbed his phone back and stared at his messages. The dots appeared, stopped, then appeared again. Then, finally, Greg’s message came through.

Thank God. I thought I was the only one being pathetic.

Holden:LOL. Hardly.

Holden:In case I forgot to say it, I had a great time with you.

Holden:I can’t wait to do it again.

Holden:And I miss you.

Greg:LOL. I had a great time, too.

They chatted back and forth. Greg’s sister had arrived with her two kids and was pissed that she’d missed meeting Holden after Rose filled her in on all the details.

Greg:So you have to come back because the only way I got Monica to back off of Facetiming you is by telling her you’ll be here after the snowmelt starts.

Holden:Tell her not to worry. I’m looking forward to meeting her too.

