Page 51 of Blue Skies

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Darius shrugged. “I have no idea. He talks more to Luis than me, but not by much.”

“Huh. But we’re putting up with him?”

“For now. He pays his rent on time, he keeps the space clean when he’s there, and Micah said he’s cool once you get to know him, so…yeah. It could be worse.” Darius grinned. “All right, tell me more about your guy.”

Attenaftereightthat evening, Greg found himself outside Holden’s hotel room. He’d had to double back at one point because Holden’s coworker Brody had come out of his room and headed for the vending machines. Greg recognized Brody from the Denver hotel and decided it was better to be cautious than punctual, given what Holden had told him about his reasons for staying closeted. He’d ducked into the stairwell and waited until he heard a door open and close before heading to Holden’s room.

The door opened as soon as Greg reached it, and a hand pulled him inside. He barely had a chance to say hello before he was pushed against the wall and Holden’s mouth was on his. His overnight bag slipped off his shoulder and fell to the floor at his feet.

How had Greg forgotten what an amazing kisser Holden was in only a few days? Well, thank goodness he was getting a refresher course because,wow, Holden made his head spin. As Greg got over the shock, his hands rose of their own accord, wrapping around Holden’s waist, pulling him closer, then rising to cup the back of his hair. He tangled his fingers in those salt-and-pepper strands and brushed his thumbs along Holden’s jaw, disappointed to find him clean-shaven again.

The disappointment was short-lived as Holden obliterated any of Greg’s thoughts except how it felt to be in his arms again, with Holden’s mouth on his own. Holden kissed as if it was the main event, as if he had no desire to be anywhere else,doanything else than this. Greg had never felt anything like it before. It resonated throughout his body, wrapped him up and warmed him, made him think of their time in the cabin, lying in front of the fire, exploring each other’s bodies, teasing each other with hands slicked by white chocolate.

Greg groaned against Holden’s mouth at the memory, and Holden rocked against him, already hard. And Greg wanted more. Holden was still dressed in a button-up shirt and a pair of slacks. Thankfully, he’d ditched the tie already. Greg pulled the shirt from Holden’s waistband, then ran his hands up the expanse of Holden’s chest.

“God, you feel good,” he murmured, his lips still against Holden’s.

“Same.” Holden followed suit and did him one better, pulling Greg’s T-shirt over his head and dropping it on the floor before they were back to kissing.

Greg had no idea how long it had been since Holden pulled him inside; he only knew that the man he held in his arms, the man who was systematically destroying his ability to think with his sensual lips and wicked tongue, had him feeling things he’d never felt with any lover before him. Things like safety and contentment and comfort. Things that weren’t conventionally sexy but for Greg were absolutely essential and so fucking rare with other partners, he would have broken down crying with gratitude if Holden weren’t keeping him occupied on more important things. Like the present moment. Like the way Greg’s body warmed as Holden rocked against him. Like how right it felt when Holden moaned into Greg’s mouth, and Greg felt the vibration of it all the way to his cock.

They parted, both of them breathing heavily, Greg half-naked, Holden with his shirt unbuttoned, even though Greg had no recollection of having done that. Holden was hard, and Greg was on his way there. With anyone else, Greg would have expected a suggestion that they move to the bed, but he knew Holden well enough now to know they could stop right here and it would be fine with him. They could continue kissing all night, and if Holden needed to come, he’d take care of it, or Greg would offer to suck him off. Or they could just continue doing what they were doing. It wasn’t the specific acts that mattered. There wasn’t a progression or schedule they needed to follow. What mattered was being together, touching and caressing, and—Greg looked into Holden’s eyes—loving each other.

It was too soon to say those words, so Greg settled for the next best thing. “I missed you,” he whispered into the space between their mouths.

“I missed you too,” Holden responded.

Their hands still roved over bare flesh with soft caresses and gentle rakes of fingernails over inner arms and along ribs. Holden nibbled at Greg’s throat, teasing with his teeth and tongue until Greg tilted his head backward with a groan to give Holden better access to the tender skin under his jaw. Greg’s hands played up and down Holden’s spine, and the way Holden shivered delighted him.

“Let’s…let’s get to the bed,” Greg gasped out, surprising himself to be the one making the request.

Holden paused. “Yeah?”


With a grin, Holden held out his hand and pulled Greg over to the bed. Not that Greg was resisting, but he loved watching the heat build in Holden’s eyes. The man was simply beautiful. It was more than that, though. He was sensual and sexy, and he made Greg feel that way too.

“Can I undress you?” Holden asked.


With reverent hands, Holden took hold of Greg’s face and brought their mouths together. Greg opened for him immediately, felt the sensuous velvet slide of Holden’s tongue as it stroked his lips, teasing at the seam, flicking against the sensitive skin just inside, then slipping deeper until it tangled with Greg’s. Holden’s hands trailed down Greg’s bare shoulders, across his chest. His fingers played with Greg’s nipples, another tease of light touches and the catch of his thumbnail against the stiffened nub.

Greg moaned as Holden’s hands continued lower, circling his belly button, stroking through his treasure trail, and then following the line of his hip below his waistband with one hand while the other toyed with the button on Greg’s jeans.

Shifting his weight, Greg closed his eyes and sighed. His skin was on fire with the need to be touched by Holden. Every place Holden had had his hands felt like it had been branded by him, and Greg seemed to feel them even though Holden had moved on.

“Can I?” Holden asked and gave a little tug on the button.

Greg nodded and whimpered as Holden’s fingers slid the small disk through the hole and the tightness at his waist eased. It was the strangest thing, Greg thought, to crave the feel of Holden’s hands on his body and know that he could express that, that he could share that desire, and not be pressured for it to be a prelude for anything else. He’d never had such freedom to express his sexuality before.

Opening his eyes, Greg found Holden staring at him, watching him with total devotion.

“Whatever you need,” Holden said. “If I can give it to you, I will.”

The words made Greg gasp. “You,” he said. “I need you.” And then, before he had a chance to second-guess himself, “I love you.” The words were out before he even knew he’d said them out loud.

His declaration was met with silence. Greg didn’t think either of them were breathing, and Holden’s hands had stopped moving.
