Page 54 of Blue Skies

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Whatever control he’d hoped to find was obliterated by Greg’s mouth. Instead of sucking him back inside, Greg ran his tongue up and down Holden’s shaft, then teased at his balls and slid over his taint to circle his rim. Greg lapped at him, his tongue pressing inside, then retreating, making its way back to his cock, and then doing it all over again.

When Holden’s breathing became ragged, Greg slowed down, backing him away from the precipice of his orgasm but continuing to torment him with now slick fingers. Fingers that teased at his rim, teased their way inside him. First one, then two, and Holden groaned at how good it felt. He shouted when Greg took his cock back into his mouth, timing the slide of his lips with a brush of fingertips over his prostate.

“Fuck,” Holden breathed as Greg backed off again. “You’re so good at this.”

Greg chuckled, the vibration around Holden’s cock making him hold his breath to keep his orgasm at bay. He still wanted this to last more than he wanted to come, but that balance was going to erode the more times Greg edged him to the precipice, then backed him away from it. It was the sweetest kind of torture imaginable, and Greg read him with masterful precision, knowing the exact moment to change tactics to keep Holden from tipping over the edge.

After the fourth or fifth time, Holden stopped thinking about his orgasm and how imminent it might be. He was floating, his body thrumming, blood pounding in his cock, his balls tucked up so tight Greg couldn’t get his mouth on them anymore. All it was going to take was the barest of strokes on his cock, a gust of warm air on his heated skin, another caress of his prostate.

“Okay, up,” Greg said as he slid to Holden’s side.

For a moment, Holden couldn’t believe Greg would decide he’d had enough after getting Holden this worked up. Wasn’t Greg going to finish him off? But no, that wasn’t right. That wasn’t what they’d talked about, and it wasn’t what Holden had agreed to. If he needed an orgasm, he was quite capable of taking care of it himself. Greg wasn’t obligated to—

“Holden?” Greg lay flat on his back, his arms open. “I want you to fuck my mouth.”


As quickly as he could, Holden shifted positions so he straddled Greg’s chest. He rose to his knees, hands grasping the headboard, his cock poised in front of Greg’s mouth. Greg’s lips were red and puffy from everything he’d done to Holden this evening, and the sight of him parting his lips so Holden could slide his erection between them had Holden grabbing the base of his cock against a surge of arousal.

“I am not going to last,” he sighed as he pressed the tip of his cock against those sensuous lips.

Greg smirked up at him, then lifted his head and engulfed Holden’s cock. His hands grasped hold of Holden’s ass and pulled him forward, fingers seeking his entrance. Holden nearly came as first one, then two fingers slid back inside him. His hips thrust forward, burying his cock in Greg’s throat, and Greg hummed, pulled him deeper, and a lightning bolt of energy ran from Holden’s balls, up his back, a flash of white light behind his eyes.

He clenched his body, fighting to hold his orgasm at bay, then chased Greg’s fingers as it receded, angling to tag his prostate, which lit him up and sent him thrusting forward again. Both sensations were amazing—his cock in Greg’s mouth, Greg’s fingers in his ass—and he couldn’t get enough of either. He groaned, arched his back, thrust forward again and again, then rocked back so Greg could reach deeper. And all the while, Holden’s ability to keep from coming slipped further and further from his control.

“Oh, shit,” he breathed as Greg tagged his prostate again and again and swallowed his cock, swirled his tongue around the glans, lapped at his slit. “I’m…I can’t…” That was all the warning Holden could muster before his orgasm slammed through him. It seemed to go on and on, ripping through him, body and soul, until he didn’t know where he ended and Greg began.

As his climax ebbed, Holden slumped forward. His softening cock slipped from Greg’s mouth at the same time Greg’s fingers left his body. Greg’s arms wrapped around him, helped him roll to the side, then gathered him against Greg’s chest. He floated, the nerves in his body continuing to fire off sparks of pleasure as Greg stroked his side, his arms, his face.

“That was amazing,” Holden said when he could speak again.

“Mm-hm.” Greg nuzzled Holden’s neck, the skin just behind his ear. “I love you.”

Holden turned so he could face Greg. “I love you too.” He searched Greg’s face, taking in the features that had become precious to him in such a short period of time. “I got a prescription for PrEP,” he said.

“You did?” His surprise was clear in Greg’s expression.

“I did. I know it’s something you worry about and that you would never forgive yourself if I got infected. I wanted to take that off your mind. Plus” —Holden waggled his eyebrows—“I’d like to suck you off at some point and don’t want you to not ask because even though the risk of transmission is low, it’s not zero. But now we’ll have less to be concerned about, so anytime you want your cock in my mouth, I will be happy to give you the blow job of your life.”

“I don’t know what to say,” Greg said.

Holden leaned closer and kissed him. “You don’t have to say anything. It’s worth some nausea if it means we can both enjoy our time together without worrying.”

Greg nodded. “I can’t believe you’d do this for me. I love you.”

“I love you too. And it’s for both of us.” Holden’s jaw cracked as he yawned. “You wore the old man out,” he joked, then rolled over so Greg could spoon him. He was asleep before his head settled back onto the pillow.

Thenextmorning,theywere woken by an insistent knock on the door and Brody’s voice calling from the hallway.

“Mercer, come on, we need to get on the road.”

“Fuck,” Holden muttered before throwing off the covers and getting to his feet. He was searching for his pants when Greg groaned and rolled over in the bed. Holden froze just as Brody resorted to pounding on the door.

“Come on, Mercer.”

A barrage of text alerts dinged from his phone on the nightstand.

“What the hell?” Greg sat up, rubbing his eyes.
