Page 53 of Blue Skies

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“Me too.” Holden groaned again, bucking his hips up to get more contact as Greg moved against him.

“Do you want something?” Greg asked.

“I do. I haven’t been this horny since I was a teenager. Is that okay?”

Greg gave him a wicked grin. “Very okay.”

Without another word, Greg worked his way down Holden’s neck, his clever fingers and sensual lips teasing at the sensitive skin at the base of his throat. Holden tipped his head back to give Greg better access, and Greg didn’t need any more encouragement than that.

Before Greg, Holden had no idea his jaw and throat were erogenous zones. To be fair, beyond the obvious places on his body, Holden hadn’t been aware that hehaderogenous zones. Greg’s attention to the underside of his jaw, the way he stroked the sides of Holden’s neck with featherlight fingertips, the gentle nips that brought blood rushing to the surface of the skin that covered his collarbone, lit a fire in Holden’s body that Greg stoked as he made his way downward.

It was Greg’s focus as much as the sensations he caused with his tongue and teeth, his hands and his nails, that made his touch so arousing and made Holden wonder why he’d spent so many years pursuing orgasms as if they were the be all and end all of sexual enjoyment. Hurried blow jobs in bathroom stalls, rushed copulation with anonymous partners, even the hottest one-night stand couldn’t compare with what he experienced with Greg. Even if neither of them climaxed, Holden could honestly say what he felt in Greg’s arms was better than the most earth-shattering orgasm he’d had with men whose names he no longer remembered.

Holden moaned as Greg’s tongue trailed over each of his nipples in turn. He circled the tender skin with the tip of his tongue, bit lightly, then sucked the raised flesh into his mouth while he ran his fingers over the other one, mimicking his mouth’s movements with his hand. Holden’s back arched off the bed as a wave of pleasure rolled through his body.

With a steady hand on Holden’s chest, Greg pushed him back down to the mattress, then raised his upper body onto his forearms and stared at Holden before lowering his mouth so they could kiss once more.

Holden lost himself in the kiss, in the gentle press and slide of Greg’s tongue, the tease of its soft velvet alongside his own, and in the slight roll and thrust of Greg’s body against his as they moved against each other. He loved that there was no rush with Greg, no headlong race to a predetermined destination. Whether they stopped here or included more intimate touches in their lovemaking, if either he or Greg wanted to climax, it was a choice, not an expectation.

Another wave of pleasure washed over him and through him, and he thrust his hips upward with a deep groan. This wave was followed by another that seemed to radiate from his groin up through his chest and down into his legs. As the sensation ebbed, Holden stretched, a languid feeling of contentment flowing through his body. He reached up and wrapped both arms around Greg’s neck, pulling him close again for more of those deep kisses that made him shiver and groan.

“Do you want something else?” Greg asked. He rolled his hips again, a sinuous caress against Holden’s cock. Holden looped his legs around Greg’s, crossed his ankles, and thrust up against Greg. “That feels like a yes.”

“Only if you want to.”

The expression on Greg’s face made Holden lift up so he could kiss him again. “I love you,” he said and smiled at the giddy bubbles that rose in his chest.

Kissing him again, Greg smiled back at him. “I love you too. Now, lie back and let me take care of you.”

Greg didn’t need to say it twice. Holden lay flat, his head on the pillow so he could watch Greg trail back down his body in a shower of kisses and caresses, small nips, and a tease of his tongue.

“Feels so good,” Holden said.

“Good.” Greg chuckled, a low and dirty sound. “I’d hate to think I’m the only one enjoying myself.”

“I can assure you, you’re not.”

Holden sucked in a breath and closed his eyes as Greg’s chin brushed against his cock. Then he moaned when he felt Greg’s tongue teasing at the sensitive skin where his thigh met his pelvis. A gentle nip at that junction, and then Greg shifted his attention to Holden’s balls, mouthing one, then the other while his fingernails trailed lightly over Holden’s taint.

Greg continued to pay attention to those parts of his body but added an occasional pass over Holden’s rim with either his finger or his tongue. He didn’t press inside, just stroked with enough pressure to wake the nerve endings up and make Holden beg for more. He didn’t know exactly what more meant, and the build of arousal had his brain wanting everything at once.Suck me, fuck me, don’t stop touching me. Holden’s thoughts were a jumble of desire, his entire body turned into an erogenous zone, but all he could do was moan or pant and hope Greg understood that no matter what he did, Holden approved.

Without warning, Greg rose up on his elbows and sucked Holden’s cock into his mouth. At the same time, he pressed a finger against Holden’s rim, teasing at the puckered skin. Holden pressed against the digit, wanting it inside him, hoping Greg understood he had Holden’s permission.

With a pop, Greg’s mouth slid off his cock. He kept his hand in place, gently stroking against Holden’s rim, and Holden whimpered as he flexed his knees and tried to bear down.

“Do you have lube?” Greg asked.

Holden opened his eyes and nodded toward the nightstand. “In there.”

“Get it,” he ordered, then swallowed Holden’s cock once more.

“Shit.” Holden extended an arm, trying to pry the drawer open without dislodging Greg’s mouth. It took him a couple of attempts, but then his fingers found the underside, and he was able to open it wide enough to reach inside. But that meant he needed to sit up. As he contemplated his options, Greg swallowed around his cock, and Holden’s eyes rolled to the back of his head. He nearly levitated when Greg started tapping his finger against Holden’s rim. The sensation shouldn’t have turned him on as much as it did, but coupled with Greg’s mouth on his cock, Holden was in serious danger of coming.

He’d never had a hair trigger like this with any of his previous partners. But this was Greg, and Greg changed all the rules, had changed them since they met, continued to change how Holden thought about sex and what he believed about himself. And right now, he hoped he wasn’t going to be a minute man.

Almost as if he’d heard Holden’s thoughts, Greg’s mouth slid off Holden’s cock. “I’m waiting,” he said.

With an inarticulate cry, Holden lunged for the drawer, grabbed the lube, and threw it in Greg’s direction. He flopped back onto the pillow and exhaled in relief as Greg popped open the bottle of lube. While he anticipated the feel of cool, slick fingers teasing him open, Holden took several deep breaths to calm himself down.
