Page 6 of Auctioned Mate

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Disco lights splashed across the stage. A voice resembling that of a hissing snake came through the speakers to announce the auction was about to begin. While the crowd hushed and Chopper became energetically calm as a result, my perception heightened. Izdor tensed his muscles. Galanthia towered to my left, stiffening into a defense position. We were ready for anything.

Except for what stumbled onto the stage.

Whatever words the announcer spoke were beyond my comprehension. My heart rattled in my chest as I watched a clearly drugged woman struggle to lift her head. Mr. Mal Vee appeared on stage left wearing a charming smile as he reached out to lift the woman’s chin.

I sniffed the air. She wasn’t just a woman. She was a wolf, a drugged shifter who didn’t know where she was or what was happening.

Mr. Mal Vee had called it an auction.

And he hadn’t lied. Itwasan auction—a human trafficking auction.

Chapter 3 - Macy

One Hour Earlier

Good goddess, what the hell was Percy thinking making me wear heels? He must have lost his damn mind if he thought I’d be able to take more than a few steps without rolling my ankle.

The mirror on the wall barely covered the cracks that had grown like ivy in the brick. My tattered reflection stared back at me. It was hard to see myself as beautiful in this lighting. Even moths wouldn’t have flocked to the dingy bulbs hanging above my head without any coverings. They weren’t sufficient to do makeup, and they weren’t flattering at all. I felt ugly, gross, with rolls that tugged my sparkling crimson dress right into them.

I pinched my tummy, bending forward to test the gaping dip of the blouse against my massive tits. Yep,nope, bending was out of the question if I wanted to keep these puppies in place. When I stood upright, I tugged on the dress, trying to smooth it out, trying to keep it from clinging too tightly to me.

Or maybe that was the point.

Percy hadn’t picked this dress. Fabric like this belonged to a supermodel or somebody much richer, not a backwoods Barbie like me. I preferred camo pants and pink tops, thank you very much. Heels could stick with the city girls while I kept my boots and sneakers. Those things let me move around much easier.

Then again, that was probably why Percy had suggested these particular heels. He knew I couldn’t run in them. That damn jerk was probably laughing it up in the hallway with his buddy, pointing at the door and snickering.

Was there a runway out there at all? Had he lied about that too?

I closed my eyes, trying to keep the tears at bay. Now wasn’t the time for crying or pouting. I had a debt to pay, and this was part of paying that debt. One little performance for a night would rake in enough cash to get me a modicum of freedom. Maybe then I’d be allowed to roam the compound instead of being kept behind doors all the time.

Two light raps came from the door and then the hinges gave way to horror-movie squeals. Percy and Rick walked inside, shut the door, and bolted it. That was a treacherous sound to hear on the edge of Wolfcreek where things were much less regulated by the general populace, where screams couldn’t exactly be heard.

I swallowed my anxiety and stared at them through the mirror. “Well?”

Percy stood behind me just to the right. He was rather tall with leather-tan skin and dimples in his cheeks when he smiled. A chiseled jawline like that belonged to a younger man, maybe somebody in Hollywood, but Percy was more of the producing type. He liked bossing people around and sitting back with a cigar. His dark auburn eyes glimmered as they roamed my body.

I tried not to react. Something about the way those tree-bark marbles tinted with honey-brown lingered on my bosom gave me mixed feelings. Percy wasn’t ugly by any means—but he was a mean alpha, and that made him unattractive in my eyes.

Beside him, Rick stood just as tall with angular features and a broad muscular frame. Clay-peach skin boasted a healthy glow from regular care. Mine did much the same but seemed lackluster in this light.

I hated it. I hated them.

But they were the only ones taking care of me.

Percy locked his gaze with mine and crossed his arms over his chest. “Could be better.”

“What?” I snapped. “I’m working with what you’ve given me.”

Rick licked his lips. “You sure are working with a lot. Aren’t you, Macy?”

A terrifying chill laced up my spine. “My eyes are up here, asshole.”

The lascivious smirk he wore made me tingle in ways I hated. Familiar threads wove through my center, reminding me of last year when I used to think Rick was the best thing since Android phones. Try as I might to chase away the feeling, it just never went away.

I hated it. I hatedhim.

Percy sighed. “Is this really the best you could do?”
