Page 24 of Forbidden Lessons

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“This is you and Alexander Bennett, correct?” Dean Simmons glanced at Nate, who gave a slight nod of confirmation.

“Who gave this to you?” Julian’s head swiveled between Dean Simmons and Nate.

Clearing his throat, Dean Simmons pulled the paper back across his desk. “Let’s say a concerned citizen, one who admires you, Julian, and wants you to clear everything up with a logical explanation.”

“Travis,” Julian muttered. “Little shit.”

“That may be,” Dean Simmons said, “but that little shit’s father is one of this college’s biggest donors. It also doesn’t negate the fact that you were seen—photographed—fraternizing with a Blue Ridge student.”

“Alex asked for my help,” Julian said softly. “He’s dyslexic, and I offered to tutor him.”

“Cleary this is more than a tutoring session, Professor,” the Dean said. “What exactly is the nature of your relationship with this boy?”

Boy?Julian chewed his cheek, feeling the weight of their expectant gazes. So they could judge him. His mind swirled with a million responses. He could deny, deny, deny—preserve his reputation and career. But at what cost? Closing his eyes, he exhaled deeply, comforted by the image that appeared. Alex. His laughter, the sincerity in his eyes, and the lust in his voice when he whispered, “I love you too.” This was no longer only about Julian and his actions.

“Alex and I… care deeply for each other,” Julian said slowly. “Beyond a typical student-teacher dynamic.”

The dean’s face remained stony, giving no reaction to the admission. Yet his muscular frame tensed beneath his crisp shirt and jacket. “Thank you for the honesty, Professor Everett. You made this easier on everyone.”

Julian cringed.Everyone?

Dean Simmons placed both hands on his desk and breathed deeply. “My priority is to these young men and the reputation of this institution. Your actions, however meaningful, violate our code of conduct and place our community at risk. Your tenure case has been withdrawn.”

Both Julian and Nate leaned forward to protest, but Dean Simmins held up a hand. “Providing this situation… disappears, Professor Everett can resubmit his application next year.”

“Disappears?” Julian asked with a raised eyebrow. “What does that entail?”

“It could be as simple as chairing a thesis committee. The better question, Professor, is how much you value your time here at Blue Ridge.” Dean Simmons met his gaze steadily. “If you’d like to stay here, and, to be frank, that remains a very distinct possibility, you need to end this… whatever is going on between you and that student.”

Thatstudent?Anger surged within Julian, causing his fists to bunch. Before he could respond, Nate cleared his throat.

“We should remove Mr. Bennett from Professor Everett’s class,” Nate said, crossing one neatly creased pant leg over the other. “I’ll take him on as an independent study. This way, he can still complete the course and graduate as scheduled. That’s in the best interest of everyone.”

“That would… contain some of the situation, yes.” Dean Simmons ran a hand through his dark, gray-flecked hair. “Make no mistake, Professor Everett, your actions have caused significant disruption. I’d fire you on the spot if we weren’t in the middle of a semester. However, that would draw even more scrutiny from our donors over this… unfortunate incident.”

Julian met the dean’s stare, accepting it like a physical weight on his shoulders, as part of his punishment. He had suffered too long pretending to be someone he wasn’t, and he was determined to stand by Alex, no matter the consequences. His future hinged on one thing: refusing to be ashamed of who he loved.

Chapter 11

Intheprocessionalline,the royal blue polyester of Alex’s graduation gown brushed against his wrists while he fidgeted with the golden tassel on his cap. An electric buzz of excitement filled the packed auditorium. The tangy scent of nerves and triumphant sweat mingled in the air as students whispered feverish last remarks before crossing the stage.

Double gold cords around his neck signified the honor ofsumma cum laude. After years of struggling in school, merciless mocking from his peers, expensive tutoring sessions, sleepless nights, and stubborn perseverance, this achievement tasted satisfying. As names were called, Alex recognized the unique claps of his parents amid the applause. Their enthusiasm was palpable even from a distance.

As he stepped onto the gleaming mahogany stage, his legs wobbled. Alex gripped the banister, focusing on the graduates moving behind him… Charles Baker… Emily Barber…

“Alex Bennett,” said the amplified voice of the announcer. “Summa cum laude.”

Alex took a tentative step, and the audience’s applause vibrated against the auditorium walls around him. Stumbling forward, he allowed adrenaline-fueled momentum to propel him across the stage, barely shaking the hands of his department chair, dean, and the college president, who handed him his diploma. The diploma’s smooth leather cover shimmered under the hot stage lights.

From the front row, those familiar laser-beam blue eyes pulled Alex’s focus. Julian, sitting straight and proud, looking hunky in his navy tam and gown, exuded an inviting glow with his applause. The diploma, graduating with highest honors, and securing an awesome job were always part of the original plan. But finding and loving Julian Everett was the sweetest of rewards.

After flipping his tassel to the left and singing the Blue Ridge College school song, Alex weaved through the sea of graduating students to find Ethan, who gave a wave with his crumpled program.

“You did it, buddy!” Ethan pulled his friend into a tight hug, patting his back. “I knew you could make it to the top.”

“Thanks, Eth. I couldn’t have come this far without ya.”

“I can’t believe you’re really moving out.” When he pulled back, a flicker of sadness contrasted his friend’s broad smile.

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