Page 56 of Chosen Wolf

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“What the fuck are you talking about, Theo?” I ask, my nerves and frustrations getting the best of me.

“You’re going to open the portal, but if you do this wrong you could die, Kat.” I swallow hard. I barely have knowledge on how to sway people and now I have to open a whole portal to a different dimension. “The council got rid of the lycans way before I took charge. It wasn’t fair to your kind, but they didn’t want anyone opening the portal to the werewolves because if it did, another massacre would happen, mainly the werewolves coming back for revenge.” I open my mouth but then close it. He’s definitely missing the part about other creatures roaming in.

“Rest up, Kat. We’ll begin again tomorrow.” He slumps forward. It’s the first sign of exhaustion.

I’m almost afraid to ask. “So what are you going to do now?”

“I’m going to bring them back,” he replies simply.

“That’s why you need their powers, don’t you?” It makes sense now. “This is why you tested on those kids. They were your last resort if I didn’t have the power to open the portal. You wanted to see if you could harness enough power and use them to open the other side.”

He smiles widely as he opens his arms. “Now we’re going to be a happy family, Kat.” This man has lost his marbles.

“If I would have known you’d give me kids with magical abilities, I wouldn’t have stopped you from getting pregnant again.” Oh fuck!

“No, Theo.” That’s not happening. “I don’t want anything to do with you anymore.”

“You don’t have to be my wife,” he says as if marriage is a ridiculous notion. I guess for him it is since in his world—our world—we have mates. Well some do. “But I’m not letting you and our kids go that easily.” With that, he walks out of the room, leaving me with my mates who are still passed out.

My mind is running a thousand miles with so many thoughts. Anxiety is building up in the pit of my stomach.

“Kat.” Az’s voice is hoarse, and I immediately let go of my thoughts to focus on him.

“How do you feel?” My hands fidget with the handcuffs.

“I’ve been better.” He tries to chuckle but starts coughing.

A minute later Ash opens his eyes. He scans the room until his eyes land on me.

“Where the fuck did he go?” Ash growls.

“He left,” I say as I look at the door.

“What did he say to you?” Ash asks. Even though his harsh, urgent tone isn’t directed at me, it’s still frightening.

I slump back on the bed, wishing I were in mine, hiding underneath the blankets. “What didn’t he tell me?” I answer, sounding more exhausted.

“Katarina,” Ash sounds concerned, but when I don’t look at him, he says more forcefully, “Katarina, look at me.” My eyes immediately find his. “Whatever it is, we’ll help you. We’re your family, your mates, you don’t have to do anything on your own anymore.” The guys look at me with heat in their eyes, and I look at them the same way.

I smile kindly at him until I’m startled by a voice. “You guys better not get all sappy on me.”

What the hell?

My eyes roam the room looking for the intruder.

The voice sounds familiar. “Show yourself.” As if summoned, the girl we met at the facility steps out of the wall. What the hell?

“When did you sneak in?” Az asks.

“When Theo left.” She rolls her eyes like that should be obvious.

“Why didn’t you say anything before?” Az demands.

“I wanted to make sure we were the only ones here before I uttered a word.” As she materializes in the violet room, her skin matches the violet covered walls. Within moments, her violet skin tone drains away, giving way to her natural brown pigment.

“I’m like a chameleon. I can adapt to my surroundings.” That answers the question about how she had colored hair.

She comes over to me, searching her pockets until she pulls out a keychain full of keys. It takes her a couple tries before she’s able to open my cuffs.
