Page 69 of Chosen Wolf

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Everyone gasps, including myself, and I stumble back to get away from it.

Theo opens his arms wide and smirks as the shadows wrap around his body. The council members clamor to their feet, stumbling over each other and knocking their seats over in the rush to save themselves.

“Oh, don’t be scared now. I haven’t shown you all who I truly am.” Theo’s eyes begin to glow, and a deep shade of red bleeds into the whites until there’s nothing left of his familiar dark stare.

“How is this possible?” the same female angel asks.

“Our ancestors got rid of you all ages ago.” The male angel eyes Theo with hesitance.

“Well, Evelyn, Oliver, to answer your questions, they got rid of all of the lycans except for me.” Theo revels in their surprise.

Evelyn’s beautiful face distorts in horror as she stumbles farther from Theo. She points a finger at him before turning it on me and then Ava. “Kill that whole family,” she shouts. There are forty of the council’s guards that come running, ready to attack.

Theo doesn’t do anything, just stands there with a smile on his face as they run toward him.

The shadow unfurls from his body like a great black demon stretching thousands of wispy arms toward the men and women of the council. No one notices me when I start to move toward Ava. This isn’t our fight. She shouldn’t be here to see her father this way, but she is, and I can’t shield her from the horrific scene unfolding before her wide eyes.

I grab her hand and pull her toward me.

“Mom . . .”

“Yeah, I see it too,” I say as we watch the black smoke consume all of them one by one, leaving nothing behind but their dying screams that are carried away on the wind.

What the fuck is that?

Theo turns toward us next, his red eyes settling on our daughter. “Now Ava, dear, come here please.” I hold onto Ava even tighter, knowing that I’ll probably leave bruises on her skin, but I don’t dare loosen my grip. I don’t want her anywhere near Theo.

“No,” I respond, surprised that my voice isn’t as shaky as I feel. “She’s not going anywhere near you.”

I have to kill him. I wish I had my wolf with me right now. I need her.

You are your wolf,a small voice says. I don’t know where that bravery came from, but I hold onto it tightly.

Ava shakes in my arms uncontrollably, and when I try to tighten my grip, she pushes me back with an unnatural strength. She stumbles to her knees, eyes closed and face pinched in pain.

“Ava, what’s wrong, what’s happening?” She throws her head back and looks slowly toward the sky, then turns to me with a frantic expression. Her eyes are as bright red as Theo’s. Her body is changing, growing, and her clothing pulls apart at the seams. I let go of her arm and watch, knowing there’s nothing I can do to help my little girl.

Every piece of clothing she was wearing earlier is on the floor in shreds. I look up as she towers over me at six feet tall.

“You did it,” Theo says proudly.

I take a step back trying to get a better look. Just a couple days ago we talked about how lycans no longer exist and now my daughter is one.

“Don’t be scared.” Theo’s voice sounds foreign to my ears, when I look back at him, I see he’s turned too.

Wolves can’t talk but lycans can? He stands on two legs while the smoke surrounds him.

I try to shift into my wolf but still can’t. At least I still have my weapon with me.

Theo walks closer with long strides, and I blindly retreat, one slow step at a time until my back hits the side of a tree. His long legs and giant body loom over me, and I look back quickly to see that I’ve hit a dead end.

When I try to run the other way, Theo is there right in front of me with the shadow hovering behind him. My eyes drift behind him quickly trying to gauge what the fuck that void is, but I have no clue. I’ve never seen anything like this before.

“This shadow was born on the other side of the locked portal where my people are trapped.” Theo answers me like he knew what I was thinking.

“Theo, I had nothing to do with—”

“Of course you didn’t, but you’re going to be the one to help me open the portal.”
