Page 105 of Madame

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“I’m not uncomfortable.” My voice takes on an urgent tone.

“Then what is it?” Jade asks. “You seem stiff.”

My hand is still intertwined with hers, but my eyes are on him. “You think because I want to get down to the protocol quickly that I’m stiff or uncomfortable, but I’m not.”

There’s an argument already brewing in his expression. “You just walked in the door, and you’re alreadyworking.”

“Don’t argue,” Jade pleads sweetly.

“I wasnot,” I say to him, feeling heated and frustrated.

“I really thought that if we did this outside the club, you’d be different,” he replies, yanking the cork from the bottle with a sense of anger.

The tight string of anxiety in me snaps, and I let the words fly from my mouth.

“I was just excited, okay?!”

The room grows silent. They’re both staring at me.

Jade is the first to speak, naturally.

“Well, we’re all excited,” she says as if to make me feel better and less alone.

Clay stays quiet. He’s gazing into my eyes, his strong brow line folded inward to create a gentle crease between them. Neither of us looks away for a long moment.

“I’ve never done anything like this before,” I whisper, holding his gaze.

“Really??” Jade says in astonishment.

I shake my head. “No, I mean…I’ve never come to someone’s apartment like this. I’ve never been with a couple and felt likethis.”

“Like what?” she asks.

“I don’t know,” I reply. It’s too early to admit something so delicate. That I don’t feel like an outsider with them. I’m not an addition to the relationship. I’mpartof the relationship and after only one time together. Well, one time and a couple of weeks of bouncing back and forth between them.

“It just feels different,” I say, covering up what I really want to say.

She squeezes my fingers and clutches me closer to her side. “Because itisdifferent.”

When my eyes meet hers, I remember what Clay told me yesterday. That Jade is just as interested in me as he is. Most of the couples I’m with make me feel like a novelty to the women. They like to experiment or watch me with their men. They never seek me out the way Jade does. Like they wouldn’t still want me, even if the men weren’t around.

But Jade does.

“Are you going to pour that wine or what?” I ask, breaking the tension in the room.

Jade lets out a sweet chuckle as Clay spins toward the rack holding the wineglasses and pulls three down. He sets them on the table, and he’s biting back a smirk as he fills each one.

When he hands me mine, I pull my hand from Jade’s grip and take far too big of a gulp. It’s never a good idea to drink before going into a scene, but I have to remind myself that that’s not really what’s happening. I don’t think I’m here to be Madame Kink.

“Why am I here?” I ask, feeling bold as I set down my glass.

They look at each other frantically before looking at me.

Before they can speak, I clarify my question. “I know you don’t want to get into the protocol and all that yet, but I need to know. What are we doing?”

“Isfor funthe wrong answer?” Jade replies before chewing her lip. She’s leaning against the island in a simple black cotton dress. It’s not revealing in the slightest with its boat-line neck and exposed shoulders. But she still looks stunning in it.

“No,” I reply before taking another big drink of my wine. “Fun is good.”
