Page 41 of Madame

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Then we’re bathed in darkness. I stay close to Eden, who weaves her way carefully through the dark space. There are people scattered throughout, but the lit-up windows on either side steal my attention. There are rooms on display, but they are currently empty.

I don’t really need people in there to figure out what the spectators would be watching. There are beds and sex swings and ropes hanging on the walls.

“People just watch…” I mumble. I never finish my question because a moment later, we’re standing among a crowd gathered around one particular window.

Then I’m struck speechless.

Inside the room, with dim blue lights painting the space in a soft ocean-like hue, stands a beautiful curvy blonde. She’s dancing in a slow, sexy sway, caressing her own body with her hands before digging them into her long hair. She’s wearing a royal-blue lingerie set, but her full breasts are exposed, and when her hands come down, she caresses each one, squeezing and pinching as her face expresses both pleasure and pain.

Immediately, I feel the warmth of arousal percolating in my belly. There’s just something about the way she’s moving and how people are watching her with rapt attention. My eyes cascade over the audience, noticing the way the women, in particular, are watching her, biting their lips and squeezing their thighs together.

There are a few men back here too, but they’re all with partners, except for one who is leaning against the back wall, watching her with a playful smirk on his face.

My eyes catch on a couple near the other side of the window. The man is clearly grinding against the woman’s backside, and his other hand is buried down the front of her black leather pants.

Suddenly I feel someone behind me, a breath against my ear. “There is no shame in expressing yourself sexually here. Which means women pleasure themselves without judgment.”

“Here? Just out in the open?” I whisper with a gasp. A few heads turn and glare at me, so I quickly shut my mouth.

The woman in the room stops dancing and moves toward the other side, pulling something out and carrying it over to the plush bed in the middle. Her movements are fluid and mesmerizing, like a performer.

After climbing onto the low platform bed, she lies on her back and fans her blonde waves out around her. Then, with her legs facing the window, she lets her knees fall open, exposing herself to the crowd and revealing that the lingerie is open and crotchless.

I feel myself tensing, but Eden is directly behind me, pressing her body against mine in a way that feels comforting.

Then the woman in the room shows us what is in her hand—a sleek, pink dildo.

My jaw drops.

She’s not going to—

My heart rate picks up, and the arousal between my legs turns into a blazing inferno as the girl in the room runs the vibrating pink wand over her clit. Her back arches and she lets out a groan loud enough to be heard over the music and through the glass.

She teases herself with it for a while and, in a sense, teases us too. I glance around the crowd again and notice that nearly everyone is either touching themselves or touching their partners. There is a sense of privacy from the lack of light in the hallway, but even in the dark, it’s easy to tell what that movement looks like.

Then I glance back through the window just as she slides the toy inside her, letting out another carnal noise of pleasure.

I can hardly move or tear my eyes away, either.

We’re all just standing around watching this woman masturbate like it’s completely normal.

Then I feel Eden’s breath on my cheek again. “If you’re going to be a people pleaser, then the first person you need to please is yourself.”

“I can’t,” I whisper.

Her warm hand rests softly on my waist. Her breasts are pressed to my back so I can feel the movement of her chest with each breath. The arousal pooling in my belly travels all the way up my spine.

I find myself leaning into Eden’s tall frame as we watch the girl on the bed work the toy faster and harder, her cries getting louder along with each movement.

My head grows dizzy from watching her and feeling Eden so close.

“You can please yourself if you want to.” Her voice is so quiet next to my ear that it’s like she’s inside my head.

“I can’t,” I reply.

I feel every breath and pound of my heart like my body is louder than it normally is.

“Why not?”
