Page 76 of Madame

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I’m about to watch the man I love with another woman. And I asked for this.

“Jade, you have to be really specific about what you want.”

“Ugh,” I groan as I flop back on his bed, letting my head hit the pillow. The form he gave me to fill out falls to the side. “This is too hard.”

“Then maybe we should cancel,” he replies softly.

My eyes widen. “What? No!”

He pulls my arm until I’m sitting up again. Then he places the form back in my lap. “Then fill it out.”

I tap the pen on the paper as I chew my inner lip. After lunch with Eden and Jack, Clay and I came back to his apartment because he said we needed to talk about tonight. He seems tense and I understand why. But he agreed to this with very little hesitation. In fact, I expected more of a fight when I brought it up.

Then he texted me this morning to let me know we’d be having lunch with Eden and her son. He told me he had been invited to her son’s baseball game.

Did I find it a little strange that he’s suddenly building a relationship with his ex-Domme’s seven-year-old son? Yes.

Did I ignore the red flags because I was excited to see her again? Yes, like an idiot.

Do I have any room to talk since I’ve been seeing her in private for weeks? Nope.

If he were going to cheat on me with her, he wouldn’t have invited me to join them or let me watch them together tonight.

Which brings me back to our current dilemma—what am I comfortable with them doing tonight?

The whole reason we’re doing this is so I can see exactly what she does for Clay so I can learn to do the same. There’s nothing weird or wrong about that. If anything, it sounds completely healthy and normal.

But if I asked them to fuck in front of me…

That’snotnormal, right?

I mean, why would I even ask them to do that?

“Earth to Jade…”

I’m staring down at the form, completely lost in my head when he touches the spot under my chin and lifts it until our eyes meet. My bottom lip is rolled between my teeth as he notices my apprehension.

“Do you want to cancel?” he asks.

“If you ask me that one more time…” I reply.

“Well, you seem nervous. I want to make sure this won’t affectusin a bad way.”

“It won’t,” I reply, tilting my head to the side. “It’s going to help us.”

“Would it be easier if you just tell me what you want us to do instead of having to fill out that form?” he asks. His eyes are soft and kind. His brows are lifted as he leans forward to press a kiss to my lips.

I screw up my face as I think about his question. “Honestly, no. I just need to think this through.”

“How about this?” Without warning, he yanks my legs until I’m reclined, my back against the headboard. Then he stretches out on his stomach in front of me. “I’ll kiss my way up your body for every question you answer.”

Then he presses his lips to my ankle, and I can’t fight the ear-to-ear smile on my face.

“That would be very distracting and not helpful to my thought process at all.” Still, I can’t help the giggle that escapes my lips as he teases his way up to my calf.

“Are you sure?”

Doing my best to play along, I stare down at the form. It’s a questionnaire that she apparently gives to couples who come in to see her. Clay said it’s best if I fill it out first, and then we talk about it. This means I now have to decide exactly how much I’m comfortable watching my boyfriend do with another woman.
