Page 128 of Time with Mr. Silver

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“But he will be later.”

“What?” I bolt upright, my body balancing on the edge of the seat. “What do you mean? Are you meeting him? Are you…? Dax, what’s going on?”

“Nothing.” His voice drops as though he doesn’t want to be overheard. “Trust me, okay. I’ll tell you everything tomorrow. It’s fine. It’s all going to be fine.”

“Why are you there? Why is he coming? You hate him. I don’t understand.”

Panic sends adrenaline racing around my body. The dockyard? Why would he be there? Why would he mention Julian Young?

The nearest dockyard is forty minutes’ drive. My body is working faster than my brain, and I jump up from the sofa and scoop up the car keys from the table by the door.

“Don’t worry.” Dax’s calm voice does nothing to ease the thundering of my pulse in my ears as I yank the front door open. “I’ll be home soon. And this will all be finished.”

“Okay,” is the only response I manage to croak back before I end the call. I wait until it disconnects before I slam the front door of the cottage shut and run to the Range Rover outside. Thank God I left work today while Dax was on his call. He indicated he’d be awhile, so I drove into town to buy food for dinner. Food we never got to eat because he was so late finishing. But it means I have a car. Otherwise, I would have walked back to the cottage after work, and I would be losing precious time now. Maybe the universe was working on my side for once. A silver lining to the shit I found out today.

I snort at the idea as I press the ignition and the engine roars to life.

Whatever Dax is doing, if Julian Young is there, it can’t be good.

Nothing to do with that man is good.

Nothing except…

I press my foot on the gas and gravel kicks up behind me as I pull away.

Please don’t do anything stupid, Dax.

Chapter 31


Igritmyteethas Marcus huffs again.

“Makes sense. Why the fuck would you be on time when you’re the boss? The rest of us can just wait around like we have no lives of our own.”

I look over the top of his head at the row upon row of shipping containers, lined up like dominoes.

All Julian Young’s latest import.

But like dominoes, you only have to have one person pushing on one and then the entire arrangement will fall.

Tonight, I’m that fucking person.

“Julie arranged for us to go to her sister’s tomorrow. Fuck that. That’s one thing with coupling up. You have to take on the entire family.” Marcus turns and spits his gum out onto the floor, then glances at me. “Another good talk.” He chuckles as he’s met with silence. “You’re full of the best chats.”

I cross my arms.

He’s late. Julian Young doesn’t have to do shit on schedule if he doesn’t feel like it. Marcus and I are mere minions, the bottom of an elaborate system that he operates. A system so big, that guys like us are disposable, replaceable.


It’s a small blessing that comes with the level of greed that fucker has. He has no idea who’s working lower down the chain.

A carefully constructed profile, a fake name. It was easy to slide right in and hide in plain sight. Maintain enough respect that I reached a level where I could find out key information but stay inconsequential enough that I never had to be in the room with the prick, face-to-face. Because there’s no doubt he would recognize me. I expect my face is as burned into his memory as his is in mine.

Two and a half years in a cell does that to you.

Gives you time to plan. To think about this day. The day you finally get to watch your enemy burn. To lose something they care about.

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