Page 30 of Resisting Mr. Rich

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Then he turns and walks out of the door.

My lungs deflate as I blow out a strangled breath.

“That was amazing,”Frederica mewls.

First things first, turn off my freaking phone. I glare at it on the marble countertop by the sink as Frederica continues with her post-orgasmic complimenting of Nate’s character’s physical prowess. I catch sight of myself in the giant mirror above the sink. My hair is plastered around my face, cheeks flushed, eyes bright and alert.

The mirror.

My tongue feels thick in my mouth. I had my back to that mirror the entire time Logan was holding me.

My naked back.

Shit, that’s what the bastard was looking at.

That’s what he was looking at, right before I almost slipped and he caught me. Right before he pulled me against his body… Where I felt his raging erection in his pants before moving my hips back from his.

I groan and drag a hand down my face. Not only have I spent the last five minutes naked and wet, clinging to Logan’s shirt like a baby monkey as we listened to two people pretending to fuck. But he could see my naked ass the entire time.

And it made him hard. And not just hard... Solid as a rock, pressing into my stomach, wasn’t lying about nine inches, hard.

Someone trade lives with me, please.

It takes fifteen minutes to mop the floor with a towel and shower the remaining bubbles and excess oil from my body. And the entire time, my stomach twists in knots.

Logan saw me naked.

I keep telling myself it’s no big deal, hoping that it’ll desensitize me. Make me numb to the curling ball of humiliation in my gut. Anyone… anyone but him.

“Why did it have to be him?” I groan, pulling an oversized T-shirt and shorts on.

I fix my towel-dried hair into a bun and glare at my phone, like it’s to blame for playing that audio. But it’s not. It’s my fault. I didn’t know there’d be screaming. It’s so realistic. I should have kept the volume down. Then Logan wouldn’t have heard and come running like a white knight to save the helpless princess.

I snort in annoyance. Only five people have seen me naked. Mum, Dad, and Drew when I was a baby. And two ex-boyfriends. I’ve never had a one-night stand. Not exactly by choice, more like shyness at college and university. And before that, well, Logan made damn sure no one went near ‘crab girl’ at high school.

I can’t believe he’s number six, and he’s not my boyfriend. He’s—

Clarity hits me like a freight train.

“Asshole! What did you do, Logan?”

I grab my phone. Those students this afternoon thought he was my boyfriend. They thought me calling him the most irritating man I’ve ever met was hilarious. I mean, it’s factually correct, but it’s hardly prime stand-up comedy.

I jab at the phone screen, tutting impatiently as the Italian translation app opens. I don’t know how to write the words, so I say them instead.

“Hai un cazzo squisito, princepe del piacere.”

Then I click the translate button.

Chapter 10



“It’s not necessary—”

Sterling Beaufort’s deep baritone voice reaches down the phone. “I insist. Think of it as an apology.”
