Page 31 of Resisting Mr. Rich

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“For what?” I frown, placing my phone on speakerphone and dropping it onto the bed so I can peel off my wet clothes.

My phone was ringing with Sterling’s call as I walked back into my bedroom from Maddy’s room. I’ve spent the past fifteen minutes talking to him in soaking wet clothes. I would never normally conduct a business call in my underwear, despite the fact the other person can’t see me. But Sterling’s spent the last five minutes trying to convince me to accept Royal box tickets to the opera in Milan, and I’ve been standing soaking wet the entire time.

“I didn’t know you two had something going on.”

“We don’t.” I walk into the bathroom, grab a towel, and wipe it over my chest.

Sterling chuckles. “You sure about that?”

I rub at the back of my neck where Maddy wrapped her wet arms around me, getting my hair wet. “Pretty damn sure.”

I smirk as I recall how much she was blushing as she made us shuffle across the bathroom together. I’d already seen her when I pulled her from the tub and checked her over. Although, I was running on adrenaline then. Still, how the fuck did I never notice how full and perfect her tits are before? And the way her nipples hardened and pressed against my ribs when she got cold.

I bite back a groan, shoving the thought aside before my body can react. As if being in my underwear isn’t bad enough, I can’t get a hard-on while talking to Sterling. That’s fucking weird. Almost as weird as the fact I got one in the bathroom. I mean, this is Mads. Drew’s little sister. What kind of shit friend am I?

It’s just a natural male reaction to a naked female pressed against you, all wet and slippery. And her tits… God her tits.

It’s her tit’s fault.

“I appreciate the gesture, honestly,” I say to Sterling. “But we aren’t going back to Milan. We’re in Rome a few more days, then we’re heading back to London early.”

The extra boost Sterling’s contribution gave means I’m a lot closer to target than I expected being at this stage. A couple more investors and we can return to London. I can tell Dad I’ve got the money and finally put this ridiculous notion of his about me getting married to an end.

I think I’ve worked it out. He’s using the business as an excuse. It’s not about the money. It’s about me being single. I’ve never taken a serious girlfriend home to meet them. Never even thought about taking any of my exes home. I’ve gotten Dad worried. Maybe he thinks he won’t live to see grandkids.

It's a mid-life crisis.

A leather jacket or a toupee would have been preferable. But Dad went full on, choosing the ticking time bomb of procreation instead. Spencer’s his oldest friend, and Gabrielle’s a lovely woman. Dad’s being logical in his choice, even if he is also stark raving mad if he thinks it’ll happen.

“Pity,” Sterling muses. “I think she’d enjoy it.”

I drop the towel onto the bed next to my phone. Maybe Maddy would enjoy the opera. But I need to get the funding and get home quickly. Smooth things over with Dad. Reassure him. Get him and Mum back on speaking terms. I know it’ll be killing Dad that she’s still making him sleep in the guest room.


My bedroom door flies open and bounces off the wall with a loudbang. Something hits me square in the chest, then drops to the floor. I glance down at the white object as something else slaps me around the side of the head with a softthud.

“I bet you think you’re really clever, don’t you?”

I stare at the white slippers on the floor. The ones my housekeeper puts out for guests.

“At least look at me, you jerk!”

Maddy’s standing in my bedroom doorway dressed in shorts and a T-shirt, her wet hair piled on top of her head as she points at me. Her finger is shaking, and her cheeks are bright red.

“What are—?”

She storms over to me like a miniature pressure cooker, ready to erupt.

“Forget baboon!” She pokes me in the chest. I look down at her finger jabbing into me, then back at her face, which only seems to rile her further. “You’d be more like a gnat, if gnats have dicks. Or…” Her crazed eyes dart side to side. “…or an animal with an inverted dick. Yes!” She barks out a laugh before scowling. “An inverted dick. A speck of dust that wouldn’t even register on any scale of measurement.”

I grab her by her upper arms gently. “Did you slip after I left? Hit your head on the tiles?” I lift my chin to study the top of her head for wounds.

“Stop that.” She bats my arms away, then drags in a deep breath as she glares up at me. “You’re ridiculous, you know that? I’d get closer to an orgasm from a sneeze than I would from you.”

“Whoa.” I hold my hands up with a smirk. “That’s—”

“Don’t whoa me.” Her eyes narrow. “Did you even know women can orgasm? Or is it always about your pleasure,Prince?”
