Page 99 of Resisting Mr. Rich

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“You were gone for six months!” My chest burns and my eyes blur as hot tears threaten to fill them. I blink them away as I look at Logan. He stares back at me with only softness and understanding in his eyes. “It’s when I started hating you,” I whisper.

He gives me a sad smile. “I know.”

I turn my back on them both, slamming my hand over my mouth as the urge to vomit fights to take over my body. Sweat pricks at my hairline and I force myself to take in slow, deep breaths through my nose.

“I should have told you when I found out. I’m sorry, sis.”

I hold my hand out to the side, one finger extended, indicating that I can’t talk right now. I’m too busy using all my energy to stay standing. How could Dad do that? Drew was only sixteen. A kid.

“I told Dad it wasn’t fair that Logan got off because his family was rich,” I choke out. “Heagreedwith me. He let me believe that’s what happened.” My lower lip trembles. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t know that Dad let you think that’s the way it happened,” Drew says.

“I thought Dad knew something I didn’t. I thought that was him confirming it.” I turn, unable to take my eyes from Logan’s. His are burning bright green as he watches me.

“He’s a bigger fucking liar than I thought,” Drew mutters.

“Does he know that you know this?”

Drew chuckles, but it’s empty. “Yeah. He knows. I found out after I got out. He told me it was my actions that got me in trouble in the first place and I should accept my punishment like a man. He was right. He said it’d only upset you and Mum if I came home and dragged it all back up again. We never spoke about it again. I caused our family enough shit back then, Maddy. You know I was no saint.”

Logan remains quiet but stays close enough to Drew that his presence conveys support. I could kiss him right now for being here for my brother.

“You deserved a dad who would stand up for you.” I look at Drew, my heart breaking for my sixteen-year-old brother who was let down by his own father.

“It’s done. It’s in the past,” he says with an air of finality. “It doesn’t matter now.”

The air leaves my lungs in one fast rush.

“It doesn’t matter now? Nothing’s ever mattered more.”

All these years, everything I’ve based my opinions on has been snatched from under my feet. Drew being sent away wasn’t Logan’s fault. Logan being a dick after is still his fault. But without the rest backing it up, his actions seem dulled in their menace. He was trying to help a friend he missed. Even if his methods were questionable.

“Okay.” I take a deep breath to stop myself from shaking. My head is screaming out for a hot shower and solitude to process this. “Well, you haven’t killed each other in my kitchen. Thank you for that. Blood’s hard to clean up. But if there aren’t any other bombshells you want to drop, then I’d like you both to leave now, please.” My bottom lip trembles as I speak.

They both lower their brows and look at me with concern as they step forward. It’s almost comical how they do it in sync with one another. Two muscular giants both stepping forward to offer comfort.

Comfort I don’t deserve and can’t handle right now. Not from them.Especially Logan.

“I’m fine,” I insist before they contradict me. “I like to process things alone.” I shepherd them both to the front door, holding the churning in my gut at bay. I need them out of here.

Drew exits first but lingers on the doorstep as he looks at Logan.

“He isn’t staying either,” I say as I place my hand on Logan’s arm and guide him through the door.

Drew’s expression softens as the two look back at me like a pair of puppies.

“Go,” I urge. “I’m fine. I’ll call you.” Drew nods, and Logan’s brow quirks. “Bothof you,” I croak.

I shut the door and head to the bathroom, gripping onto the sides of the sink for support as I fight to calm the hammering in my chest. I’m about to turn the shower on when there’s a knock at the front door again.

“I figured you’d appreciate this.” Chloe grins, brandishing a fast-food breakfast bag as I open the door. “You okay?” The grin drops from her face.

She doesn’t even make it inside before my legs turn to jelly, and I throw my arms around her neck. The first sob wracks through my chest as she rubs my back.

“It’s okay. Tell me what happened.”

I pull back enough to let her inside.
