Page 58 of Let's Play Pretend

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Acting doesn’t have any pull for me anymore. Or Brigid. But we did set up a small design agency that has blossomed into a real business. We only take a handful of clients a year, very high end, and if it’s not fun, we just walk away. Money isn’t a problem. I don’t know how much we have, but I know there’s not a financial worry left for me in this world. That was Dietrich’s promise and I will say, that man doesn’t break promises.

He’s on his third book under a secret pen name. He loves the writing and also funds a new animal shelter on the island. He disappears now and then, coming back with swollen knuckles and a few cuts and bruises, usually with a sad story and a new dog for us to nurse back to health.

I don’t ask questions. But, the house is filling up with four kids and seven dogs, not to mention the cats and whatever else wanders in asking for a home.

“You happy you took the job?” Dietrich asks, swiping the back of his hand across the silver and black scruff of his beard.

“What job?” I ask, lost in my thoughts.

“The one and only paying acting job of your life. To be my daughter.”

I hear the kids screams and laughter in the distance as Dietrich eases me up and off his erection, helping to secure my bathing suit bottoms back in place, then pushes the fabric between my drenched and sticky pussy lips with a smile.

He loves my cameltoe.

“I’m still playing that part.”

“Yes, you are. And you will be for the rest of your life.” Dietrich kisses me then breaks into a jog as the kids come running down the path to the beach. He scoops up Ruthie and Taylor as Emmet crawls behind trying to keep up. He throws them both over his shoulders then starts galloping around like a horse making the girls scream with delight as Taylor sits up with a toothless grin clapping.

My daddy has made me so happy and he’s the father I never had to my children.

I’m lucky beyond words. Life hasn’t always been good, but it’s ended up great and I’ll take all the challenging days from then until now, knowing I get to spend the rest of my life with the perfect man for me.

My Daddy.
