Page 150 of Relentless

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But with every minute that passes, I’m finding it harder and harder to convince myself that’s all I want.

* * *

“Holy shit that’s strong.” JD gasps after taking a sip of my second cocktail of the night. “Bro, you trying to get your wife drunk or something?” he asks, looking up at Mav.

His usual naughty twinkle is back in his eyes, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t excite me. If having both of these men around me while I sit at the head of the table doesn’t exhilarate me.

Mav shrugs innocently. “Just making it how she likes it.”

“Sure,” JD teases before shifting in his chair and sinking his hand into his pocket. “You really want her easy though, you need this,” he says holding up a pre-rolled joint.

It’s been a long time since I got high. A really fucking long time. But my mouth waters for it.

But while I might be all for it, Mav’s entire body stiffens with the suggestion.

“No, that’s not what I—”

“Chill, man. I’m only teasing. Jeez,” JD mutters, also digging out a lighter. “M’lady, would you like the first taste,” he offers, holding it out to me.

Playing it cool, I cross my arms, pushing my tits up. “What’s in it for me?”

“Whatever you fucking want, little dove,” he says with a smirk. “It’s yours.”

Mav shifts uncomfortably in his seat.

“That’s a big promise, Julian. I’m not sure you’ve got the tools for the job,” I tease, the alcohol already loosening my tongue.

Deep down, I know that getting wasted is a bad idea. But right now, I do not care.

I want to let my hair down, have fun, and forget all the serious shit we’re stuck in the middle of.

For just one night, I want to be carefree, let the world float away, and enjoy the company of these two incredibly sexy men.

JD chuckles. “I think we all know that I’ve more than got the tools, little dove. If you need a reminder…” He pushes to his feet and tucks his thumb into his waistband.

“No, no,” Mav barks. “We’re all good.”

“You’re just jealous,” JD decides, falling back into his chair and finally handing the joint over. Pinching it between my lips, he lights it up, and I suck in a hit just as he says, “You know your naked dick can’t pleasure her as well as mine can.”

The hit gets stuck in my throat and a cough erupts.

“Oh shit.” Mav gasps, jumping up to help me.

“I’m okay,” I splutter, tears falling from my eyes. “I’m okay.”

“Fucking moron,” Mav mutters, shooting JD a dark look.

“What? Not my fault she prefers my dick to yours.”

“How the fuck would you know that?” he hisses.

“Oh, I know. And one day, when you’re man enough to take her for a proper ride, you’ll find out too. Let me give you a little tip though, when you do it, make sure you grind a little to the le— Ow, you—”

“Fucking asshole,” Mav grumbles as the empty beer bottle he threw at JD crashes to the deck.

“That hurt,” JD complains, rubbing the side of his head.

“Not as much as it could have,” Mav warns before turning his eyes on me. Instantly, his expression softens. “You good?”
