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That I am. Sometimes, maybe too good.



So perhaps Frederick’s standoffish behaviorwasn’tdue to his migraine.

Because the entire drive back from the Moon Bay Inn, he’s been sullen, quiet, giving me one-word answers when I try to engage him in conversation about … well, anything, really.

It’s got me wondering if he actually finds me annoying. Perhaps he’s only been nice to me in the past because Topher was around.

I grip my stomach at the thought and turn to stare out the window as we coast into Hallmark Beach. Frederick slept for quite some time on that courtyard bench, and I confess that I didn’t mind one bit. It allowed me the rare opportunity to watch him without worrying he’ll catch me. And I know that sounds completely creepy, but there’s something about sleep that just brings peace to a person who’s so clearly burdened.

The worry lines in his forehead that are constant companions … gone.

The tense and focused gaze that makes him so good at his job … goodbye!

His body seemed to melt as I touched him, and at first I thought that perhaps it meant something. That maybe my touch set his skin on fire. The reverse was certainly true.

But now his mood resembles that of the moon overhead, casting shadows around the clouds onto Main Street as we drive toward The Purple Seashell, which I haven’t seen since I left my hotel room this morning. We’ve been going nonstop with planning activities and haven’t had a chance to check Frederick in, but hopefully Janine will have another room available for him.

I sit up straighter. How has it taken me this long to realize this might be an issue? What did Lucy say? That I was lucky to get a room before now?

Oh no.

If Frederick has hated the idea of pretending to be engaged to me, he’s definitely not going to like sharing a hotel room. Although I suppose if Tia had been here, she would have stayed with me.

What’s the protocol here? Maybe I’m making too big a deal out of this. As a bodyguard, is he allowed to let me out of his sight—even if all I’m doing is sleeping, tucked safely away in my room for the night?

I swallow down my doubts and pray for a cancellation. Yes, some space would be good for both of us.

After traversing down a busy Main Street, we pull into the car park at the small two-story, gabled, lavender-painted inn. We unload and snag Frederick’s bag out of the boot of the car, then head up the inn’s front steps, which face the boardwalk. A sweeping patio juts out to the left and wraps around the inn, offering an unparalleled view of the ocean. I’m tempted to linger a moment, to sit in the swinging bench hanging from the patio roof, to take in the white sand and breathe in the salted air.

Anything to keep Frederick from discovering our predicament. The guy is already exhausted, despite his migraine nap. I don’t want to test his patience any further.

But perhaps it’s better to get it over with. To see what our fate holds.

I follow as Frederick eases open the screen door, which squeaks a hello as we step through it and past the heavy oak door that’s been propped open. The lobby is small, but flows into a pleasant living room with a table and four chairs—which are currently occupied by a family playing checkers—as well as a couch and chairs in one corner, a fireplace, and a few bookshelves. Topher would be in heaven, and I could easily see myself curling up there and reading an Abigail Fox novel.

Not that I’ll have any spare time on this visit.

At the reception desk, a heavyset woman with gray-streaked hair smiles up at us from behind a gossip magazine. “Hello, Chloe dear. Having a good afternoon?” She pauses as her eyes light upon Frederick. “And just who’s this tall drink of water you’ve brought with you?”

I laugh and once again take Frederick’s hand in mine because even if he finds me annoying in real life, the show must go on. “This is Frederick.” I hesitate only a moment. “My fiancé. Freddy, this is Janine Reynolds—Lucy’s aunt.”

“Fiancé? Hot diggity dog, he’s a looker.”

Frederick flashes her that charming grin I know he’s capable of (despite evidence to the contrary so far). “It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am.”

“Ooo,” she squeals, fanning herself with a meaty hand. “And will you also be staying at our lovely establishment?”

“I will indeed.”

“Fabulous, fabulous.” Janine swings her chair around to a box and pulls out a white room key card. “I’m a bit sad that a beauty such as yourself is taken, Chloe, love. Would have liked to introduce you to my son, Garrett. He’s not in town at the moment but plans to come home later this year to give me a break from running this place so I can travel a bit with my church group.”

She says all of this in one breath while running the key through a machine and typing something into the computer. “But I can see why you fell for this one. Woo-wee, that accent! Although he speaks the same as you, so I guess you know him from back home—wherever that is. Where did you say you were from, dear?” While looking at me, she hands Frederick the key.

“Oh, a small country in Europe,” I say. “You wouldn’t know it.”
