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I blink at his retreating back. Something is off—and it’s probably the fact I was an idiot.

He knows how I feel about him. He’s got to.

But I keep my back straight and just smile at Marilee. The only thing she can help me with right now is cake. “Yep.” I rub my hands together. “Now, let’s see what gorgeous design you’re going to make for us.”

“Will do.” She slides the binder in front of me. “But first I wanted to tell you that I thought of somewhere you might hold the wedding.”

“What? Where?”

She removes her glasses, which have flecks of white powder on them, and attempts to clean them with her also dusty apron. “My neighbor, Greta Graber, has a beautiful house on top of the hill with a decent-sized yard that overlooks the ocean. She’s rented it out for small business events before and might be willing to help you out if it’s available.”

My heart nearly stops. “Are you serious? That sounds perfect.” Secluded but beautiful. “We don’t need anything big. We’ve got thirty, maybe forty, people coming, tops.” I don’t know if Father and Mother will make an appearance, but if they do, they’d bring an entire entourage as Father naturally has a much bigger security team than me or Topher.

“That should work.” Marilee places her glasses back on, but even I can see the smudges reflected with the light from above. She keeps them on her face, though. “I’ll give you Greta’s number, but you might have better luck catching her at the festival on Saturday. She’s best friends with Lucy’s Aunt Bea and they’ll probably be at the booth for Burt’s Auto Shop since Burt is Bea’s husband.”

Wow. I’m having a little trouble keeping all of Lucy’s relatives straight. “Why is there an auto shop booth? I thought it was a wine and art festival.”

Marilee pops open the front of the binder. “That’s Hallmark Beach for you. They’ll cluster together the art and wine booths—wineries from all over West Coast come to represent—but every shop on Main Street will also have a booth. Nobody wants to feel left out.” She shrugs. “Burt says the vendors get the best seat in the house, a chance to people watch and interact with them. Have you met him yet?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Oh, you’d know if you had.” Marilee chuckles. “He’s a character. But a good man too. He and Bea took Lucy in after …” She shuts her lips. “Well, that’s her story to tell. But just know that if you can’t get ahold of Greta before tomorrow, you should find her at Burt’s booth.”

“You’re a lifesaver, Mar. Thank you so much.”

“I’m so happy to help. Oh, one more thing.” She flips past the binder’s first page and any nerves I had over Marilee’s ability to deliver a beautiful cake are squashed with the picture in front of me: a cake made to look like a present, with lace, pearls, and flowers instead of a bow up top. “Elisse and Kelsey are having some ladies over tonight for appetizers and wine. Their brothers will be busy loading up and prepping the wine for the festival tomorrow, but Elisse and Kelsey’s parts are done until the actual festival. So would you like to come hang out with us?”

How is it that I have lived in Kentonia my whole life and, other than Lauren and her friends, have never felt included and welcomed into a group so quickly? The fact they don’t know I’m a princess and just know I’m Chloe squeezes my heart all the more. “I’d love to.” But drat. “I’d hate to leave Frederick behind, though. He doesn’t know anyone else here …”

Marilee smiles. “I could see if Jordan’s free.” Then she snaps. “Oh shoot, I forgot he’s got a thing with Ryder’s other grandparents tonight.”

Other grandparents? Oh. The parents of whoever Ryder’s mom is. Again I itch to ask more questions, but I need to focus right now on the immediate plans. Frederick will never let me leave by myself tonight, but I want to go. And it’s no longer because I need the locals to give me information.

It’s because … well, I like them. A lot. I like who I am with them.


Idon’tlike that I’m lying to them, but hopefully they’ll understand why when I’m allowed to reveal all. Hopefully I can keep things vague enough that they know what I did share with them was the truest version of myself I was allowed to be. But it requires figuring out a way for Frederick to accompany me.

Then an idea strikes. “You said the Loveland brothers will be loading crates tonight?”

“Yes. Why?”

Here’s hoping Frederick doesn’t kill me for this suggestion. “Do you think they need another pair of hands?”

* * *

I love Kentonia, don’t get me wrong. It’s beautiful with its mountain ranges, its thriving fishing industry, its beautiful harbor.

It’s where my family is. Where my people are. And it’s home.

But I didn’t choose it.

And if I wasn’t a royal, wasn’t obligated to return so I could see what marriage prospects my parents would throw my way next … I’m not sure I would.

Then again, maybe if I wasn’t royal, I would want to.

Either way, sitting here on the back deck of the Lovelands’ home, staring out over the rows of grapes that lead to rolling green hills in the distance, I know one thing: I am blessed to be here, and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in this moment.
