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I already know where this is going. “And he saved you?”

A nod, almost imperceptible. “Pushed me out of the way. I banged my head on a big rock.” He points to his eyebrow, where that scar I love sits—a visible ghostly reminder of everything he lost. “I came to in the hospital with a concussion and stitches. My parents had both flown down, and there was no Matthew in sight. By the looks on their faces, I just knew what had happened.” He looks away. “And I knew it was my fault.”

“But it wasn’t.” How can he honestly believe that? “You were a child, Freddy.”

“I know that logically speaking. But I can’t help feeling like I’m cursed somehow. That my family is cursed.” A kiss, pressed against the place where my neck meets my shoulder. “And I don’t want to drag you down with me.”

I turn more fully so my legs are slung across his lap and my left arm is around his neck—his right arm supporting my back. “Just like I am not what the media says I am, you are not the sum of the things that happened to you. You had no choice in any of it, Freddy.” Then I reach up with my right hand and trace the scar over his eyebrow with the pad of my thumb. “The thing youhavechosen is to honor Matthew’s life, to honor your father despite the downfall of his reputation, by becoming a man of honor yourself. You are the bravest, most loyal man I have the privilege of knowing. I believe that.”

He takes my hand in his, turns it, and kisses my palm.

“But if you don’t believe it too, then you’ll never be able to move on. You’ll never be able to find happiness.”

“I’ve found happiness, Princess.” He leans in and kisses me, slow and deep. “It’s sitting on my lap right now.”

“Freddy,” I breathe.

“I don’t know what will happen, Chloe. I can’t promise anything. I’m still your bodyguard. Topher’s still your brother, and my best mate. My family is still not favored in the kingdom. The obstacles are stacked against us.” He kisses my nose. “And it’s very hard to think with you this close.”

He’s right. There’s more to this than rainbows and fairy dust. Things aren’t magically going to be completely fine. But I believe that love truly can conquer all. For now, though, I simply want to bask in the glow of this moment, when we only have to answer to each other.

“Then don’t think.” Both of my arms circle his neck.

His lips quirk at the corner, like they do only for me. “Is that an order, Princess?”

Tilting my head, I pretend to consider. “No. It’s a request.” Because though we like to be playful about it, I’m no better than him simply because of my last name. “Do with it what you want.”

“What I want”—he leans in tight until his mouth hovers over mine, and his voice is low and dangerous—“is to kiss you senseless.”

Oh, goodness. Somehow I manage to play it cool. “I’m amenable to that. So long as you actually do it,” I tease. “I want zero sense left in my brain when you’re finished. Do you promise?”

He holds up his hand, a teasing glint in his eyes. “This I do solemnly vow.”

Then he takes his time, proving that he’s quite thorough and committed to his promise. Yes, sir. Frederick Shaw is most certainly a man of his word.



I’ve never been that fond of the circus.

Oh, I admire the talents and abilities of the performers. The lion tamers, who stare down a fearsome beast and yawn in the face of its roar. The trapeze artists, flying through the air—sometimes without a net below to catch them.

And then there are the tightrope walkers, whose lives depend on their ability to balance.

Despite all of the wonder a circus brings, as a child I was too nervous to watch the performers properly, always afraid that someone would get eaten, would break a leg, would fall.

But here I am, two days after finally admitting to Chloe Huntington that I’m mad for her, and I believe I’ve never related to anyone more than I do a circus performer.

The last forty-eight hours have been pure heaven. Yes, we’ve accomplished more on the wedding to-do list—booking a photographer, securing Marilee’s brother Blake as the caterer, and confirming details with Shelby and Topher about everyone’s arrival in three days’ time—but we’ve also snuggled, laughed, and talked about everything under the sun.

We’ve also kissed, probably more than we should.

But how can I stop? My favorite person in the world feels the same way as I do, and I couldn’t be happier.

And yet, I’m constantly ignoring the roar of my doubts, flying, and then falling as I try to conquer this new thing, walking a wire that could snap at any moment and end whatever is pulsing and growing between us. But as I walk hand in hand with Chloe toward our rental car in The Purple Seashell car park, I remind myself that she’s worth more than any doubts.

I try to meditate on the words she’s been repeating to me:we’ll figure this out.
