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“In that head of yours again, Muscles?” she says as she peeks up at me from behind her large white sunglasses.

“Why do you ask?”

We reach the car and I hit the key fob to unlock it. But instead of climbing inside, I lean back against the passenger door and keep hold of her hand.

She steps between my legs and presses a fingertip against the side of my mouth. “You get these little grooves right here.”

The clouds from two days ago have long cleared away, leaving a bright shine in their wake. The sun warms my hands as I rest them on her hips. “Hmm. Guess I’m rather predictable then.”

Tossing her head back, she laughs and loops her arms around my neck. “I just know you and all your little tells.”

“And I know yours.”

“Such as?” Eyes bright, she nibbles her bottom lip.

“That.” I point to her mouth. “That’s the one that tells me you’re nervous or thinking really hard about something. That’s the one”—I tug her in—“that always drives me wild.”

Then I kiss away whatever nerves she’s feeling. I can’t promise her forever, not yet, but I can make her feel happy and secure in what we have right now, in my feelings for her. They pulse hot and strong as we rev up the kiss, which I finally end by tugging at her bottom lip with a gentle nip of my teeth. “We’d better get going or we’re going to miss our appointment with Mrs. Graber.”

“Do we have to?” she whines.

I love the power I have whenever I kiss her—not power over her, but because of her. She makes me feel powerful, like I can conquer anything because she believes I can.

It’s the Chloe Effect in action.

“Yes, we have to.” Because I’m trying desperately to stay respectful of her, to take things slowly, but I’m just a mere mortal constantly staring down the temptation from my personal Siren. I’ve already established a no-kissing rule inside the hotel, which we’ve somehow managed to enforce (though Chloe likes to edge riiiiiight up to the boundaries of that particular rule).

I open the car door and put on my sternest voice. “Get in the car, please, Princess.”

“You’re no fun.” She drops into the passenger seat, but not before giving me a quick peck. Cheeky bird.

Laughing, I stroll around the front of the car and climb in, starting the engine and backing out. The drive won’t take long, but it’s up the hill and we’re due to arrive soon.

Chloe grabs my hand across the console. “So …”

“Yeah, love?” Have I mentioned I adore getting to call her that?

The vehicle’s air vent kicks on, cycling in the smell of the sea from outside.

“Have you talked to my brother yet?”

I groan internally. “No. I know I need to.” I really do. “I will.”

“Why are you avoiding it?” She doesn’t sound petulant as some women might. Just curious. And perhaps a bit concerned.

At first, we considered telling Topher together, in person. But we don’t want to take away from the wedding festivities, and it might be difficult to find time to be alone with him. It might also ruin the party if he decides to gut punch me for getting with his little sister when I was supposed to be merely protecting her.

At least telling him over the phone will give him time to process things.

Squeezing her hand as I take Hillside Drive up and around the bend, I search for a suitable answer. “Part of me wants to keep it to ourselves just a tad bit longer. It’s more fun that way, don’t you think?” I try for a tease, but it falls flat.

“I get that.” She looks out the window at the town below us. “But I just wonder if you’re not telling him because you’re still doubting whether it’s something you want.”

“Chloe, that’s not it. I do want this.” We arrive at the Graber mansion, and I input the code Greta gave Chloe at the box. The iron fence slides open. “But I’ve been honest about the fact that I don’t know exactly how this will all work. There’s still a lot to figure out.”

“True, but the first step is talking to Topher.”

She’s right. And I’ll man up soon. Today. Probably.
