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“Hi, Toph.” I pull back. Despite the fact he just traveled for nearly fifteen hours, not a hair on his head is out of place, and his beard is neatly trimmed. He’s got on his jeans with a non-wrinkled, red, button-up shirt that makes his green eyes pop. “What do you think?” Then I sweep my hand behind me and turn.

He whistles, shakes his hand, and scrubs a hand down his jaw. “It’s incredible, Chloe. You’ve outdone yourself.” Then he nudges Frederick and puts his hand out for a shake. “And you! Thank you for keeping my sister safe.” They do one of those bro hugs, clasping hands first and then pulling each other in for a love tap on the back.

“Of course.” Frederick doesn’t look at me. Is he afraid to give everything away? Why? Why not just tell Topher now? But then again, Lauren will be here any moment and we don’t want this moment to be about us.

“He did more than that,” I say. “He helped clear the field, plan the wedding. He was a fabulous assistant.”

That draws a tiny smirk from Frederick, and Topher barks out a laugh. “I’d have paid good money to see that.”

“No, Your Royal Highness. You would have been wasting that money.” Finally, Frederick looks my way, and his eyes shine with something like pride. “Your sister did all the work. And she got the whole town involved. We never would have gotten all this done otherwise.”

That sharpens Topher’s gaze. “The whole town knows about this?” He groans. “Chloe, I thought we talked about that.”

But before I can defend myself, Frederick’s doing it for me. “Calm down, mate. She did what she had to do to rally the troops and get everyone to keep your secret. She was brilliant, I tell you.”

Topher gives a start and studies Frederick for a moment. He opens his mouth to say something else when another two cars pull up the drive. One’s a red Prius and one’s a silver minivan.

The ladies have arrived.

“Go hide,” I hiss to Topher.

“Right.” He signals his people, and they all move quickly into the house. Hopefully Lauren hasn’t caught sight of them yet and won’t think anything of the SUVs.

In mere moments, there’s a crush of women piling out of the vehicles, and I rush down the steps to say hello. First I find Lauren, a tall thin brunette with classic beauty despite the very little makeup she wears, and when she sees me, she squeals and pulls me into a hug. “Chloe! It’s so good to see you. We’ve missed you at the house.”

“I’ve missed being there.”

Shelby climbs out next, her short blonde hair freshly cut. She’s wearing an adorable yellow skirt and white top with cap sleeves that screams kindergarten teacher. She also hugs me, lifting on her tiptoes because of her short frame. “I told her how you were spending extra time in Hallmark Beach helping me with some wedding stuff.” She winks.

Before I can reply, I’m tackled by Kennedy, who is brighter and happier than the last time I saw her. “Hmm, love looks good on you,” I tease.

She blushes, then looks at me, back up the stairs to where I know Frederick is staying. Then she leans in, whispers, “Looks good on you too.”

I shove her with a smile, and she giggles while the others—Kayla and Evie, both with their newborns, and Kennedy’s sister, Alexis, who’s rocking orange hair—get out of the car.

Lauren stretches her arms over her head. “When Shelbs mentioned you needed a girls’ weekend, none of us could say no.”

“I didn’t know babies were allowed at girls’ weekends,” I tease Kayla and Evie.

Kayla adjusts her sleeping daughter in the baby sling wrapped around her. “I was told you’d secured a babysitter. Sorry, Baby Rey, but girls’ weekend isn’t girls’ weekend with a baby strapped to your boobs the whole time.”

We all laugh. “Yes,” I say. “I have a pair of aunties just itching to get ahold of those cherubs.” When I asked Bea and Janine if they’d be okay helping out with the babies this weekend, they both gave a resounding yes.

Evie claps. “Oh, that sounds like heaven.”

Lauren grabs my hand. “So, is this where we’re staying? I thought the only place in town to stay is The Seashell.”

The other women exchange excited looks, but they leave the explaining to me, which is exactly how I want it—to get to be the one to tell Lauren what’s happening. My chest expands. “Here, come with me,” I say, tugging on her hand.

She gives me a puzzled look but follows me up the steps. When her eyes see the vineyard, there’s a sharp intake of air. “It’s so beautiful! What a lovely place for a girls’ weekend.”

This is it. The moment of truth. I feel the women’s eyes on me, Frederick’s too. “Lauren,” I say.

She turns her big brown eyes on me. “Chloe,” she mimics with a smile.

“We aren’t here for a girls’ weekend.”

Lauren blinks hard and her mouth twists at the corners. “What are you talking about?”
