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“I hear you’ve managed to get the Lovelands on board with renting their space, which is a huge boon, in my opinion. I tried to get them to do it for years. Always a no.” She laughs. “So whatever you’ve done, then keep doing it. I think it’s fate you turned up there just when I was leaving.”

There’s that word again.Fate. I’m not sure I like it, because it feels like it takes the control out of my hands. In the past, I’ve let other people make my fate. I’ve allowed them to tell me what I should be or what I should do. I’ve let them tell me that what I bring to the table isn’t good enough. But now,Iget to decide.

Still, there’s so much to think about. Frederick, for one. We need to have a conversation before I commit to anything. “I’ll have to see if I can gather the funds—”

“You don’t understand,” Rhonda says. “I want togiveyou the shop.”


“Yeah. Like I said, I don’t need the money, but I still really care what happens to Hallmark Beach. It’s yours. I inherited the building from my parents and everything, so there’s just property taxes to pay on it, plus any business expenses, of course. But everything else is yours. If you want it.”

I do. I do want it. I don’twantto want it—but I can’t help it.

Drat. What do I do now?



It’s a good thing Topher gave me the entire weekend off, because I can’t focus.

Can’t get out of bed either.

And yes, now that Tia’s here to watch over Chloe, she’s got the floor in her room, while I have my own room with my own bed.

It’s not what I want, but I’m not sure I really get to decide what that is after all. There was a small sliver of hope, that perhaps, this time would be different. If Chloe truly wanted to come back to Kentonia, then we’d find a way to make it work.

But I don’t think that’s what she wants.

Haven’t had a chance to ask her, though, between the decorating Chloe’s done today plus the bachelorette and bachelor parties last night—the latter of which was a tasteful evening of steak dinner, bourbon, and cigars at a steakhouse one town over—I haven’t seen much of her.

And now, after a few hours spent at the vineyard rehearsing the wedding itself, it’s time for the rehearsal dinner at The Purple Seashell. We all took a break to get ready, but I just flopped on my bed and have been staring at the ceiling this whole time.

I never took myself for a coward, but this is the scariest thing I’ve ever faced. I mean, could I possibly be overreacting? Perhaps Chloe really doesn’t want to stay in Hallmark Beach. Maybe I’m projecting. Maybe Jordan was wrong.

I’ll only know once I talk to her.

A knock sounds on my door. “You coming, mate?” Topher asks from the hallway.

I stand and shuffle over, open the door to find him dressed in casual trousers and a plain shirt with a blazer over top. He takes one look at my rumpled self and arcs an eyebrow. “Did you fall asleep?”

“Not exactly. Just needed a rest.”

“The dinner’s starting soon.”

“I’ll be there in a jiffy.”

“All right.” Topher plays with the buttons at the end of his jacket’s sleeves. “Hey, I know we didn’t get a real chance to talk last night—or today—but I wanted to thank you again for taking such good care of Chloe while here.”

I nearly choke on my reply. “Y-yeah, of course, mate.”It was my absolute pleasure, I want to say. But I don’t. I’m not talking to Topher about our relationship until I know what’s going on with Chloe. “So, you excited to marry the love of your life?”

“More than I can say.” Topher leans on the doorway and studies me in that way he has. The guy’s too darn analytical, and it’s making me sweat. “I hope you can find someone you love someday as much as I love Lauren. You deserve that happiness, mate.”

I want to shake him, want to scream that I’ve already found it. But all I say is, “That would be a little difficult, considering that old law that says bodyguards can’t marry.”

But he just waves away my protest. “Nobody cares about that anymore. Don’t you think I’d change that law in a minute if it meant my best mate was in love?”

My heart wrenches. It would have been so … easy. If only Chloe wanted to come home too. “Never took you for such a softie, Your Royal Highness.”
