Page 31 of Brutal Enforcer

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Ishould have closed the damn blinds. There was a slice of light right across my eyes, and it dragged me, unwilling, up from sleep. I nearly rolled over when I realized that one, I wasn’t alone, and two, I wasn’t in my bed.

I glanced down at Lyse, who was sleeping tucked against my side. She’d never more resembled a bunny than she did in that moment, curled up in a ball with her hair in disarray. She had the sheet pulled up around her, but her bare shoulder peeked through, and that little patch of skin made me salivate.

I could wake her up, I thought, already picturing taking her again. I couldn’t get enough of the way she clung to me and begged me so softly and sweetly to make her feel good.When was the last time anyone asked that of me?

Before I could put action to my thoughts, however, I saw the time. I needed to call Lili and check in; if I waited too long, she would get anxious, and the last thing I wanted to do was heap more stress onto my sister. Slowly so that I wouldn’t wake Lyse, I eased myself out of bed and left her there, in a puddle of sunshine.

I headed downstairs. “Jefe?” Helena called as I passed by the kitchen.

“Not now,” I threw back over my shoulder.

“Should I start breakfast for you and—”

I stopped in my tracks and turned around; I came just inside the kitchen and crossed my arms over my chest. “And?”

Helena didn’t look impressed in the slightest. “And Lyse,” she said. “Did you want me to start breakfast for you both?”

“Why would you ask me about her?”

Her eyes dipped down at my chest, and I followed her gaze and sighed. Lyse had left a fairly large, very noticeable hickey on my pec.When the hell did that happen?My little bunny had fangs, apparently. “Breakfast would be good,” I said, feeling like a teenager who had just gotten caught sneaking into the house after being out all night.

Helena nodded. “Don’t hurt her,jefe.”

I stood there, silent, for a moment. “I’m going to try not to. I can’t make any promises,” I said finally. “Con permiso. I have a phone call to make.”

Going to the office, I closed the door behind me. I was down to my last few burners: I either needed to send Esteban for more, or Angel had to wake up.

I dialed Lili's number. "Idiota!"

I wasreallygetting tired of that…but she didn't sound nearly as devastated as she had been. "What's the news?"

"Angel is awake." She sounded so happy that she could have been floating. "He's not totally out of the woods, but he's breathing on his own, and he’s able to follow the doctor’s directions, so it’s looking good that he doesn’t have any lasting brain damage.”

It felt like my lungs could fully inflate for the first time in far too long. “Alabanzas,” I breathed out, and Lili echoed me in a tearful but joyous voice.

“I didn’t even tell you the best part yet!”

What could possibly be better than Angel waking up?“What’s the best part?” I asked, choosing to humor her.

“The police came back to the compound andapologizedto me personally for all the trouble. They’re backing off. I don’t know what you did, but it worked. You can come home!”

Felix got it done, I thought,finally. “Why didn’t youleadwith that!?”

Lili laughed, and it was her evil little sister laugh again. The weight had almost entirely come off her shoulders. “I figured our brother being alive was a tad more important.”

She was right, of course, but I wouldn’t give her the pleasure of admitting it. “I’ll be home soon,” I promised. “Are you and Emma okay for a few more hours?”

She snorted. “Like Emma would even notice either of us right now.”

“She’s made a full recovery, has she?”

“Near enough,” Lili said. “The doctors are going to continue to monitor her because of her blood pressure, but her main stressor has largely resolved itself, so they’re pretty sure that will correct itself too.”

“I’d say get her back to the compound for some real sleep, but I doubt she’ll leave Angel’s side.”

“Correct, and Angel pretty much death-glared me when I suggested it anyway. He wants her where he can see her.”
