Page 39 of Canadian Spring

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With her eyes still closed, she inched her fingers closer to him, grazing his length with her fingertips. He hissed at the contact, snapping his eyes to her. She remained calm, collected, with her eyes still closed, feigning sleep.

“What are you doing?” he whispered.

“Shh, some of us are trying to sleep,” she countered, running her palm along his hard cock. It jumped in response, lavishing the attention.

“Sleep, my ass. What are you up to, wife?” he whispered.

“Just relax, husband,” she whispered, the corner of her mouth ticking up.

Unable to stop the attention, he leaned back and let it happen. If his wife wanted to get adventurous like this, he wouldn’t stop her.

Her hand trailed up to the button of his jeans, deftly undoing it and lowering his zipper. Her hand slipped inside, her flesh on his. He couldn’t suppress the groan that came out of him, covering it with a cough when he realized how loud it had been. She squeezed his length as he did it, almost in reprimand.

She took another sip of her wine, staring straight ahead at the screen on the back of the seat in front of her. Baffled by her ability to act like nothing was happening, he decided two could play that game. Staring out the window at the kilometres of land that passed below them, he tried his best to act unaffected when his body was anything but. His pulse raced, and sweat broke out at his temples. Pressure built throughout his body. He knew he wouldn’t be able to last much longer. Not with the way she was speeding up her movements, tugging and twisting in just the right combination that he forgot how to breathe for a moment.

Just when he thought he couldn’t take any more, she stilled. Holding tight to his length, he watched her as she held her breath and turned slightly, blocking her hand.

“Skylar, do you want any chips?” Lila asked from across the aisle. “Might as well grab some before Travis eats them all.”

“Look, hellcat, don’t give me those if you don’t want me to eat them all. You know I can’t resist them,” Travis replied before whispering something in her ear that made her blush and giggle.

“I’m good, thanks. I’ve got my own snacks over here,” Skylar replied, giving him a long, hard tug.

Dyllan choked back a cough as her seemingly innocent words fluttered over him.

“Dyllan?” Lila asked, tipping the bag of chips toward him.

“I’m good,” he coughed, taking a gulp of his beer.

“Suit yourself. Alright, babe. It’s all yours.” Lila turned back in her seat.

“Score!” Travis said, snatching the bag away from her.

“That was close, babydoll,” Dyllan whispered in Skylar’s ear. “Now, what was this about you having snacks?”

“Hmm, I saved some crackers from earlier in my bag. I think I might nibble on those later.” She tapped her chin with a finger on her free hand. “I’m sure they can rustle up some peanuts if I’m really desperate.”

“No need to look anywhere else, babydoll. I’ve got some right here for you.” He shifted slightly in his seat, causing her fingers to run over his balls, heavy and frantic for their release.

“I guess I’ll just make do then.” She smirked as she picked up her pace, balancing her ability to drive him crazy while keeping her movements hidden.

He couldn’t do anything other than lean back and relax as if he weren’t about to lose control completely. It wasn’t long before he couldn’t hold back any longer. Her movement mixed with the thrill of being on the plane and nearly getting caught was too much. He let go. Not caring that he was coming in his pants like a teenager with an hour left on the flight. Throwing his head back, he stifled a moan as ropes of come shot out of him, sticking his jeans to his leg.

Skylar opened her eyes and turned her head to him as she pulled her hand from his pants. Lifting her fingers to her mouth, she licked them like they were covered in icing, never breaking eye contact with him. With a wink, she lowered her hand to her lap and closed her eyes again, acting as if she hadn’t just rocked his world at thirty-five thousand feet.

“You’re a naughty little minx, do you know that?” He whispered as he leaned over to her. “You’ve made quite the mess.”

“You didn’t seem to complain,” she retorted, not opening her eyes.

“You’ll pay for that later,” he said, nipping at her ear lobe before returning to his seat.

Standing in the parking lot at the airport, the group started saying their goodbyes to Dyllan, having all travelled together in Travis’ SUV on the way to the airport. Skylar stood in front of Dyllan, mouth opening, but no words came out. She looked like she started and stopped saying something to him over and over, but she never said a word.

“See ya back in Logan Creek, buddy,” Travis said, slapping a hand on Dyllan’s shoulder.

“Yeah, thanks for coming!” Kade exclaimed, giving him a hug.

Dyllan hugged her back, one hand wrapped around his friend, the other on his bag. He never broke eye contact with Skylar as Lila followed with a hug and Brody with a punch to his shoulder.
