Page 10 of Canadian Harvest

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“Oh, I don’t have my license to serve alcohol.” She looks wide-eyed between me and the bottles of liquor.

“That’s okay, I just need you to go get me more ice. It’s in the kitchen in the stand-up freezer.”

“Oh, yeah, sure.”

I watch as she scurries off, zeroed in on the way her ass fits into her black pants. I don’t have time to admire her too long as the line grows longer.

She comes back with two bags of ice lying over her outstretched arms. I finish the drink I’m making and hand it to the guest before taking them from her.

“You don’t do anything half-assed, do you?” I chuckle.

“I didn’t want to make another trip,” she huffs. Her cheeks are a little pink, her sleeves wet from where the ice was lying across them. “Do you need anything else?”

I look at the ever-growing line up behind me. “Yeah, do you think you can handle the non-alcoholic drinks? It’ll help me get through this line.”

“You got it.”

For the next hour, we work in tandem. She’s on top of all the non-alcoholic drink requests, filling up the ice when it runs low, and doing runs for me to the kitchen when I run out of lemons and limes. We’re a pretty good team. I take advantage of the small space behind the bar to brush up against her. I place my hands on her hips as I move behind her to grab something. I give her a wink when I catch her looking at me, which makes her blush.

Damn, I love that blush.

“Hey, how’s it going over here?” Skylar walks up as the line dies down. The wedding is wrapping up. Which means we will be moving into full take down and clean up mode soon.

“Good, no complaints,” I say, giving Rachel a smile. “You got me a great assistant here.”

And there’s the blush again.

“That’s great. I knew you two would make a great team.” She smiles as she looks between us.

Rachel narrows her eyes at her, which makes Skylar laugh.


“I’d be happy to have her work the bar with me anytime,” I add, shooting a wide smile at Rachel, making her blush deepen.

“Well, that’s good to hear.” Skylar’s smile widens. “Rachel, are you okay staying just a little longer to help clean up? Many hands make light work and all that.”

“I don’t mind,” she answers, avoiding my gaze.

“I really can’t thank you enough.” Skylar gives her a quick hug and then rushes off as the last of the wedding guests leave.

“It’s really nice of you to help her, you know. You didn’t have to.” I lean my hip against the bar, crossing my arms over my chest.

Her shirt is a little wrinkled; spots dirtied from cleaning discarded drinks and plates. Pieces of hair stick out around her ponytail, but she’s still the most beautiful woman at the party tonight.

“She’s my friend. Why wouldn’t I help her?”

Her genuine answer pulls at my heart. Not only is she beautiful, but she’s kind and thoughtful. I can’t imagine why it took me so long to notice her and how amazing she is. I’ve lived in Logan Creek for years now, and the last few weeks have been the first time I’ve ever thought about her other than someone who lives in town.

Pushing myself away from the bar, I take a step toward her, reaching up and twirling a stray strand of her hair around my finger. I hear the hitch in her breath and take in her wide eyes as she looks up at me. “I’m starting to learn a lot about you, Rachel, and I’m really liking what I’m seeing.”

The music abruptly shuts off and the overhead lights turn on, waking me up from the dream she has me in. The one where it’s just us in the barn. The one where I can bend slightly and cover her lips with mine. Instead, we’re standing behind the bar with a flurry of people trying to pack up so they can go home, and I have my fingers in her hair, looking down at her like she’s my last meal.

“Should we…uh…pack up the bar?” she asks, not moving.

“We should,” I say, not moving.

There are a million things we should be doing. Packing up the dirty glasses. Putting away the unused liquor. Wiping everything down. But I don’t want to do any of that. I want to whisk Rachel off somewhere where it’s just the two of us. Where I can get to know her better. Where I can give her a proper first kiss.
