Page 14 of Canadian Harvest

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Her proximity. The feel of her wet hair in my hand. The way her breasts rise and fall at a rapid rate. It’s all driving me crazy. I need to get my hands and lips on her. I need to make some sort of claim on her until I’m the only man she’s thinking of. Not anyone in town. Not a fictional asshole in a book. Me. I want her consumed by me the way I’m consumed by her.

“What book was it?” I lower my voice, not asking so much as giving an order for her to tell me her little secret.

My question throws her off guard. She jerks away a little in surprise, but I hold her still with my hand in her hair. “It…uh…what?”

“The audiobook. What was it? Small town? Regency? I know…it’s aliens, isn’t it?” I tick the corner of my mouth up in a slight smile, trying to seem less imposing. I don’t want to scare her off, but something inside of me needs to know the answer.

“How do you know so much about romance novels?”

“I have sisters that forget I’m in their group chat.” I lean in, closing the distance between us, crowding her against her seat, my hand pulling lightly on her hair. I lower my voice, making it husky as I whisper to her. “Why don’t you want to answer me, Rachel?”

She closes her eyes. “I don’t know.”

“Tell me if this is too much. I’ll back off if you want me to.” I move to give her space, when her eyes open wide in panic.

“What? No! No, that’s not it.”

I don’t know if she knows she’s doing it, but her hands curl into my shirt, holding me tight to her. I smile, running my nose along her cheek. “Tell me, which one was it?”

“Billionaire,” she whispers.

“I never took you for a city girl that would want all those extravagant things.” I brush my thumb along her cheek, needing to feel her.

“I’m not, but sometimes it’s nice to read about.”

“Tell me, Rachel. What do you want then, if it’s not city lights and high rises?” Whatever it is, I’ll give it to her. I’ll give her the whole world if she’ll let me.

“I don’t know. I like simple. Nothing fancy.”

I run my nose along her cheek, feeling the shiver that runs through her body, and I don’t think it has anything to do with being cold and wet.

“Can I take you out?”

“What?” She rears back. “You want to take me out? On a date?”

“What did you think this was?”

“You being friendly? Taking pity on me after my van died?”

“There are many things I’m feeling toward you, but none of them is pity.” I give a slight tug on her hair until her face is tipped up toward mine. “And this? If you want me to back off, I will. But you should know I like you. I want to take you on a date.”

“A…date,” she repeats.

“I’ll pick you up, take you for dinner. Since you don’t like fancy, we’ll stay in Logan Creek. We’ll go to Angelo’s.”

“Okay,” she whispers.

“Okay. Tomorrow night.” I glance at the clock on my dash, showing its two in the morning. “Tonight now. It’s my day off. I’ll be all yours.”

She nods.

“Good. It’s a date. I’ll see you soon, Rachel.” I brush my lips across her cheek and release her hair, leaning back in my seat.

My eyes are drawn down when she pulls her lower lip between her teeth. I form my hand into a tight fist, which is the only thing I can do to stop from reaching out and pulling her to me, pulling her lip out with my teeth and kissing her senseless.

Gathering her things and opening the door, I call out to her before she runs off. “Sweet dreams, Darlin’.”

Her eyes flash open wide as she sucks in a breath before she slams the door closed and runs to her front porch. I watch until she’s inside with the door closed, running my hand along my thigh.

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