Page 53 of Canadian Harvest

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Are you free tonight? I want to take you somewhere.

Ihit send, and immediately my nerves make my stomach drop. It shouldn’t. Rachel and I have been seeing each other for over a month now and things are going great. Why would it make me nervous to want to take her anywhere? Maybe it’s because for the first time I’m taking us out of the comfort of Logan Creek. Or maybe it’s because I feel like we’re getting serious. Like really serious, really quickly.

While I thought I wanted to start settling down after seeing all my friends with their families, the fact that I might actually be getting close to that is scaring the shit out of me. Normally, this would be where I would run away. If a woman even hinted at anything other than casual, I’d make up some excuse and make sure I didn’t run into them again.

While I still have that instinct to run the other way, the thought of never seeing Rachel again hurts worse.

My pretty little Belle has worked her way into my heart, and I don’t know what to do about it. The sex is incredible, but it’s more than that. It’s knowing that I have someone that I can talk to about anything, and I won’t be judged. It’s someone that I have fun with. Love to hold. Could spend all night just curled up on the couch watching a movie or doing something like dressing up in horrific costumes and dancing all night.

But instead of running, I’m facing them because aside from all of that, I want to enjoy my night with her.

That also makes me think about what it would be like if she was my forever. Would we stay in Logan Creek? Is that what I want?

She’s all the things that I didn’t know I wanted and now that I have them, I’m freaking the fuck out.

Even though I took Zach up on being his partner here, I never really thought that would mean spending the rest of my life in Logan Creek. I’m a city guy. I like the busy streets and the downtown crowds. I like being able to go to concerts and events without driving for hours, or having everything I could need a short distance away. But here in Logan Creek? That’s the exact opposite. I’ve been happy enough the last few years, but could I spend forever here?


I’m just about to close up the shop. I’m all yours.

Damn right you are.

Her words help drive me out of my funk. I think of our nights together. The Halloween dance where I had her pinned against the barn and made love to her with the party at her back.

Made love? I don’t think I’ve used that term before.

Fuck, am I in love with her?

See you in ten.

“I’m outta here,” I tell Zach as I shove my phone in my back pocket and put on my jacket.

“Where are you rushing off to? You’ve been in a weird mood all day,” he says as he puts the last pint on a tray and hands it off to Jessica to deliver to the tables.

“I haven’t been in a weird mood. I just…have a lot on my mind.”

“Everything okay with Rachel?”

That’s a loaded question. “Yup.”


“Zach, I know what you’re doing and thank you for being a friend, but I’m fine.”

He looks at me for a moment without saying anything. I know him well enough to know that he’s thinking through the many things he could say, and I just hope he goes with the less douchey one.

“Do you remember when I was being an ass with Mandy?”

Ah fuck, here we go.

“I do.” I seethe.

“Do you remember how you told me to not fuck it up?”

“Again, I do.”

“Well, this is me telling you that about Rachel. You have a good thing going. She’s amazing and I’ve never seen you this relaxed and happy.”
