Page 110 of Trust Me

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Eve is not going back to Bowen Academy, which means I need to find a school in Williamsport for her.

My phone buzzes, and as I expected, Dean’s pissed about the change of location. Kyle’s jaw becomes rigid when I show him Dean’s irate message.

Me:It can’t be helped. Meet me at McCullin’s or you don’t get this drive.

I stuff my phone into my purse, knowing Dean will be here. He wants this too much.

Kyle and I find a seat on the second floor of the lounge. The place is packed from the after-work crowd. Pop-techno music plays loud enough for people to loosen up but not loud enough that you have to yell for to person next to you.

“Kyle,” Dan Greene, a member of Sam Waterson’s finance team, says as we take our seats.

Dan’s joined by a few other colleagues from both companies. Even as Kyle engages with them, his hand remains on my left knee. Part of me wants to push his hand away while the other part enjoys his touch.

A few of our co-workers don’t miss his hold on me. They don’t say anything about it to either one of us, however.

After a few minutes, I look up to find Dean Walsh entering this part of the lounge. I nudge Kyle with my knee and then stand.

“I’m going to get a drink,” I tell the rest of the group.

With a wave of my head, I motion in the direction of the bathrooms. Dean makes his way over there, and I follow.

“Why the fuck would you demand that we meet here?” he seethes. “Especially when Kyle’s right there.” He points over my shoulder toward the open part of the lounge.

“I told you there was a work meeting and I couldn’t get out of it.”

He looks like he wants to say more but he just asks, “Do you have it?”

“Here.” I thrust the thumb drive in his face.

“What the fuck are you doing?” he demands, glancing around the hall but no one’s around.

He lowers my hand, but pauses when he feels the rings on my left finger. His eyes widen as he holds up my hand. “What the hell is this?”

“None of your business,” I say, snatching my hand away.

“Why’re you wearing wedding rings?”

I part my lips to make up a lie, but a deep voice behind me says, “Because she’s married.”

I suck in a breath as I turn to see Kyle, eyes blazing, as he glares at Dean.

What the hell is he doing?

He approaches, his strides casual, but I can sense the anger in the way he looks from my hand to Dean. Kyle wraps an arm around my waist, firmly pulling me into his side.

“Kyle,” Dean says, sounding like he doesn’t know what to say.

Kyle narrows his eyes and then widens them as if in surprise. He snaps his fingers. “Dean? Dean Walsh? Wow, it’s been what, almost ten years?”

Dean glances from me to Kyle, at a loss, seemingly. “Y-Yeah, it’s me.”

Kyle looks him up and down, and for a beat, I almost think he’s genuinely surprised to see him.

“It’s been a long time. How’ve you been?”

“G-Great.” Dean clears his throat. “Yeah, we haven’t seen each other since …” He trails off.

“All of that crap went down between our families,” Kyle finishes. He shrugs. “Water under the bridge, right?” He actually sticks out his hand for Dean to shake.
