Page 70 of Love Me

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There’s no way in hell I can go back to just being her friend after being balls deep inside of her. And there’s no fucking way in hell that I’m going to ever let another man know what it’s like to be with her like this.

Not while there’s any breath in my body.

“Come with me, Monique,” I demand. I need to feel her walls milking me.

“Yesss,” she moans.

As if we both willed it, we come together. As one.

Just like it should be.

Like it will always be.

This can be enough for me. She is enough for me. I won’t ruin this by demanding more. I won’t be like that son of a bitch who hurt her.

“Hey,” she says, taking my face in her hands. Her eyes search mine. “What’s wrong?”

I drop my face to her shoulder, kissing it. I don’t want to lie to her, so I settle for a half-truth.

“Just thinking about the past. And what took us so long to get here.”




I awaken to a completely darkened room. Fear seizes me, and my entire body goes cold. Memories of me trying to fight off my drunk and belligerent boyfriend come flooding back. Suddenly, it becomes difficult to breathe.

His fingers tighten like vices around my throat. I can feel him trying to squeeze the life out of me. When I look up into his hazel eyes to beg him to stop, I truly know I’m in trouble. It’s as if he isn't there.

The look behind those eyes is blank. There’s nothing there, behind that mask besides coldness.

I don’t even think he sees me. I scratch at his fingers and try to kick out to get him off of me. For one second something happens, and his fingers loosen just enough that allows me time to suck in a deep breath. He doesn’t let go, though.

But that small window gives me enough time to remember what my father taught me. How to defend myself, even against a man twice my size. I crouch low, and with all of my might, I shove my palm into Slater’s crotch.

He howls and his hands fly from my neck to his dick.

I crumple to the floor, heaving to catch my breath. But then, I remember my dad’s self-defense lessons again.Don’t give them time to recover.

While he’s still holding himself, I push him as hard as I can. He topples to the floor, cursing. I use my remaining strength to pull myself up and escape the locked bedroom.

I don’t tell anyone what happened. Most of the partygoers barely notice me as they’re either too drunk, dancing, or busy making out. I run all the way back to my dorm room. Even though I lock myself in my room, the feeling of safety eludes me. All I want is to go to the one person with whom I feel the safest.

That’s when I sit up from the bed and remember that I’m not alone in my dorm room. I came to Diego. My safe place. He let me cry in his arms.

“Diego?” I call into the darkness.

No answer.

I pat the pillow next to mine to find it’s empty. In fact, his side of the bed is empty and the sheets are cool. It has to mean he’s been gone for a while.

I get up to turn on the lamp on his desk, and as I already knew, he isn’t here.

“Where …” I don’t need to finish the thought. I know where he’s gone.

I saw the expression on his face as I recounted what happened between me and Slater. I thought begging him to stay and falling asleep together would put an end to him trying to leave tonight.
