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I nodded, the bittersweet taste of revenge lingering. I didn’t feel triumphant.

I didn’t feel... anything.

“It’s over.”

The chamber was silent, save for our ragged breaths and the distant dripping of water. As we stood there, catching our breath, I couldn’t help but be disappointed. I’d wantedmore. For her to acknowledge what she’d done. But she hadn’t, instead, dying with malice on her tongue.

Oz was still beside me, his hand a comforting weight on my shoulder. “We should get out of here,” he said, breaking the silence that had settled over us.

I nodded, exhaustion pressing down on me. We started making our way back up the tunnel, the darkness slowly giving way to the light of the outside world.

As we emerged from the underground tunnel, I was momentarily blinded by the sun. We stepped out, and I heard the distant sounds of my army celebrating, singing a song I recognized from Adraedor.

It was over.

We’d won.

Chapter 32


Theweightofthesilken gown slid down my body, its sapphire hue reminiscent of the nights I spent under the stars, evoking memories of hidden forests and clandestine rendezvous. Gold embroidery danced across its surface, the Helekian sigil spread along its length. The form-fitting bodice contrasted with the flowing skirt, and the occasional shimmer of embedded tiny crystals reminded me of the stars I’d gazed upon on those long desert nights.

“Never thought I’d see the day,” Roza chuckled, her eyes twinkling mischievously. “Kael, in an actual gown and not some skimpy lingerie. What’s the occasion? Did you lose a bet?”

Beside her, Raenisa smirked, one brow arched teasingly. “I half expected her to run around the palace in her undergarments for old time’s sake.”

“She’s aqueennow,“ Roza winked, her laughter spilling out of her. “Too fancy for that.”

“Oh, shut up.” I shot her a playful glare, raising a hand to flip her off, the weight of the intricate gold bracelets I wore making the gesture even more dramatic.

“Your Highness!” Roza exclaimed in faux shock. She knew I hated it when she called me that. Roza sported a sea-green gown, adorned with delicate pearls. It showcased her warrior’s physique while still being incredibly flattering. Raenisa wore a soft lavender dress, its off-the-shoulder design highlighting her toned shoulders, the fabric billowing around her like a cloud. Caelia, radiant beside Rae, was dressed in cream breeches, her emerald waistcoat setting them off to great effect.

Sipping my effervescent drink, I smiled to myself. It had been a hard two weeks, filled with more funerals than I ever thought I’d attend. But today. Today was something to celebrate.

“Is Zora coming?” Raenisa asked, and I shook my head.

“No. She won’t leave her room.”

Roza blew out a breath but didn’t comment. No one wanted to ruin the brief bit of happiness we’d had in our mourning. Zora had collapsed when she found out Tykas was dead. I hadn’t seen her since his funeral; she only let her twin into her rooms.

“It’ll get easier with time,” Caelia said, entwining her fingers with Raenisa’s. She caught her gaze, sharing a private moment of contentment. They’d come through the war closer than ever—I don’t think I’d ever seen Raenisa happier.

A knock came at the door and Roza stood, striding over to pull it open. Zerek stood there, looking out of place amidst the grandeur of the hallway. His usual battle-hardened demeanor was in place, despite the finery he wore. For a heartbeat, he stared at her, struck mute by the sight of her in her gown.

Roza’s cheeks flushed a shade of pink, contrasting with her emerald gown. “Zerek,” she greeted, her voice lower than usual, almost hesitant.

He cleared his throat, avoiding her gaze for a moment. “Ladies,” he nodded, his eyes flitting to me and then Raenisa before settling back on Roza. “It’s time.”

Across the room, Raenisa caught my eye, a smirk playing on her lips. She’d bet me it would take them less than a month to get together. But I knew how stubborn Roza was—I’d bet two. I raised an eyebrow, the corner of my mouth tilting upwards in a silent ‘I told you so’. Raenisa stifled a laugh, her shoulders shaking with suppressed mirth.

Roza, still locked in that charged moment with Zerek, replied with a curt nod, “We’ll be there.”

As he retreated down the hall, his footsteps echoing, Roza closed the door. She took a deep breath, her fingers lingering on the door handle. Turning back to us, she tried to muster a nonchalant expression, but the flush on her cheeks betrayed her.

“What?” She feigned innocence, her voice rising defensively. “Let’s go!”

Raenisa and I exchanged another amused glance, but let it slide. After all, there were more pressing matters at hand. We all made our final preparations, adjusting dresses and jewelry, ready to step into the next chapter of our lives.
