Page 21 of Always Bayou

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Luke looked taken aback. “No. I mean…I guess…I just didn’t think about you like that at first. We were friends.”

“Friends,” she scoffed. Maybe a bit loudly, considering a number of people again glanced in their direction. “Right. Friends have to just be friends. There can’t be any flirting or…or…fondling…if you’re friends. And you can’t think of someone some other way.Thatwould be terrible. That would just shake the whole world up!” She swept her arms wide.

Yeah, her voice was definitely louder now. More people looked. Luke’s eyes were wide and he took a step back. Savannah snorted.

“I mean, everything has to be so specifically defined, right?” Becca asked Luke. Though she was really asking everyone—or anyone who had an answer—or maybe the universe in general. “Why can’t people justdo what feels good? Why do we have to be so worried about labels likefriends, andromance, andvirginity?”

Luke took a step back.

Savannah snorted.

“Why can’t everyone justfucking relax?”Becca asked. Or shouted. Yeah, it kind of seemed like she was shouting now. “And just…fuck? Why do there always have to be so manyfeelingsabout everything?”

She narrowed her eyes and pointed at Luke, who had taken another step back. “I would have just fucked you, you know. You wouldn’t have had to fall in love with me. I mean, I might have thought so then, but turns out, that makes it complicated. So, yeah, you should have just done that. But nooooo,” she went on when he opened his mouth. She drew out the O, shutting him up. “You thought we were just friends. So no fucking for you. And you missed it. Because as soon as Beau Hebert kissed me, it was all over. And now I’m here, and I’m still a virgin and—”

“Okay, that’s enough.”

A big arm wrapped around her waist and she felt her feet leave the floor. Suddenly she was being carried through Lexi’s house, through the kitchen, and out the back door.

She’d known after about two seconds who was holding her. The feel of him, his scent, his voice, just thewayhe touched her and the way she responded, she would have known him anywhere.

She didn’t even struggle.

She was probably in trouble.

Beau shoved the French doors leading to the back patio open with the hand not holding Becca’s, then kicked them shut after he’d stepped out into the darkness.

He took five long strides before stopping and putting her down.

She turned, finding him towering over her.

“What thehellwas that?”

“How much did you hear?”

“You telling an entire roomful of people, including fucking Luke Swanson, that you’re still a virgin.”

“Well, that’s like telling a roomful of people, including fucking Luke Swason, that the ocean is salty.”

His eyes narrowed and he leaned in. “You unhappy about something, Becca?”

“Um,yes. Being. A. Virgin.”

She watched the muscle tick along his jaw, but he simply asked, “Are you drunk?”

She shook her head. “I knew you would use that as an excuse tonight. So no.”

He reached up and gathered her hair in one hand. He tugged on it, tipping her head back, and leaned in. He studied her eyes.

It was dark out here, but there were soft lights around the edge of the patio and the moon gave some illumination.

“Let me taste.” He covered her mouth with his, deepening the kiss immediately. His tongue stroked along hers, tasting and taunting.

There was no slow sweetness here, just heat and an edge of frustration and possessiveness that she responded to in a way she didn’t entirely understand. But she sank into it fully and without question. She grasped the front of his shirt, rising onto tiptoe, opening and letting him lead the way.

He lifted his head nearly a minute later. “I think you need a reminder of just how much you’ve enjoyed these last few months.”

“I know I have. I just want more.”
