Page 26 of Always Bayou

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The five-hour drive between him and Becca was a bitch. But they were making it work. At least they were trying. He was up in Baton Rouge as often as he could be, and she’d come home several times. But it wasn’t the same as being able to see each other every day or having her right next door as he had most of his life. He missed her so damned much when they weren’t together.

He liked to think that without the distance between them, he’d be a much better boyfriend. If he could just stop by after work, take her some dinner, maybe pop by in the middle of the day and just see her, even for a few minutes, all this would be so much easier.

And then there were these fucking parties. He was the same age as these people, but he felt like he had nothing in common with them. The last time he had studied for an algebra exam or written an essay about something was…never. Even in high school. He hadn’t spent a lot of time with his books.

He’d planned to go to college on a football scholarship. Until Becca had finally convinced him to be honest with his mother about not wanting to play football. He’d ended up opening his business, getting to work with his hands and create for a living, and staying in Autre where he’d always wanted to be. But it was tough getting a new business going.

People knew he was a good carpenter and would hire him for jobs like making new cabinets, and redoing staircases, and things like that. But what he really loved to do was make furniture. It took time to build a reputation for that. It took care to turn out high-quality, unique, gorgeous furniture that people would show off and talk about and keep in their families, handing it down to generation after generation.

He was definitely still in the building process.

But he’d gotten a huge contract three weeks ago. A guy who knew his mother because of her bed and breakfast had hired Beau to make new dining tables and chairs for his four bed and breakfasts.

It was a huge deal. Not only was it the largest order he’d had so far, but it was a chance for Beau to get his furniture into places where lots of people would see it, use it, and possibly ask about it. If guests at the bed and breakfasts liked his work, his name could spread from that alone.

He had to put his all into this project. But it was definitely cutting into his time for other things. Socialization, helping his mom, seeing Becca, sleep. Not necessarily in that order.

So he’d showed up to this party, late, frustrated at himself, to find her announcing to the party that he had not been giving her everything she wanted.

And he’d kind of snapped.

He didn’t want to be here. Not at this party. Not with these other people he didn’t know. He wanted to be withBecca.

And that crap about her not getting what she wanted? He was here specifically to give her all of that. To be herefor her. Becca had enjoyed every fucking minute they’d been together, and he resented the fact that she believed otherwise. And that she would fucking tell anyone else that. Especially Luke Swanson. The guy she’d initially asked Beau for advice about. The guy who had been looking at her a few minutes ago with a lot of oh-I’ll-take-care-of-you-baby.

She hadn’t been trying to make Beau jealous. He knew that. She hadn’t even known he was there. But his lack of sleep, his already wound-up energy, and then walking into that had culminated in a need to not only publicly claim her, to make damn sure that Becca herself knew he was the guy to deliver anything and everything she needed.

Tonight was supposed to be the big night anyway. It was mostly why he was pissed he was running late. Showing up late to a stupid college party was one thing, but tonight was supposed to bethespecial night. She was ready to lose her virginity. There were many people who would not consider her an innocent virgin, even now. He’d very thoroughly schooled her in just about everything else. But tonight was going to be The Night. Was he putting a lot of pressure on this? Yes. This was Becca. He’d never been with another virgin anyway, but the fact that it was Becca meant everything. She was his friend. She was the first girl he’d ever been in love with. She could have her pick of men. The idea that she was going to let him be the first one she let do these things to her meant a lot to him.

But there were no flowers, no chocolate-covered strawberries, no whipped cream, he hadn’t even changed his shirt before getting in his truck and speeding all the way to Baton Rouge.

He was definitely not at his best right now.

Still, as he tugged her through the house, with her wrinkled dress, her flushed cheeks, and her panties shoved in his front pocket with just a bit of lace hanging out to make sure everyone got the point, he didn’t feel bad about it.

He was being dirtier with her than usual, but she was with him. He could tell. He would never push Becca beyond her boundaries unless she wanted him to. So far, every time he’d nudged her beyond where she’d been previously, she’d been wholeheartedly into it. He’d made sure. Outside on the patio had been no different.

People were definitely looking. Luke Swanson was definitely looking. Beau met his eyes. Luke looked away.


“Find Savannah. Tell her goodbye,” he said to Becca.

“She knows I’m with you.”

He squeezed her hand, and she met his gaze. “I want you to make a point of saying goodbye.”

She pressed her lips together. Then nodded.

Becca had been telling him off their entire lives. She was the only girl to ever punch him, even if she wasn’t the only one to everwantto. She called him an asshole on more than one occasion. Of everyone in his life, he could depend on Becca to give him true input about how he was acting.

That was why when she got a little submissive for him, his dick got harder than any other time.

They trusted each other.

Things had changed between them since they’d started dating. Things had softened.He’ddefinitely softened.

He couldn’t help it. He couldn’t help but be sweet and romantic with her. He wanted to take care of her. He wanted to make her smile. He really did think about her all day and when he sent off a text in the middle of his workday that saidmiss you, he meant it.
