Page 82 of Always Bayou

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Beau wondered if his mother had seen Becca get in the truck with him at the B and B or if someone at the coffee shop had called or texted her.

“Oh, thatisconvenient. Hi, Becca.”

Beau rolled his eyes. “Just give us a second. I’m muting you.” He pressed the mute button before his mom could protest.

“So what do you think?” he asked Becca. Hereallywanted her to spend the day with him.

“I don’t have any other specific plans today,” she said.

“It might be good to get away from Autre for a little bit. Not be hanging at the house with your dad.”

“Good point.”

“You realize this is very likely another set up?” he asked.

“One hundred percent,” she said with a grin. Then she added, “I was starting to think they’d given up.”

“Me too.”

She just pressed her lips together.

He unmuted his mother. “Hey, Mom. Yeah we’re good to go.”

“Oh, wonderful. I’d love Becca’s opinion on the bushes and flowers as well.”

“Great, happy to help,” Becca told her.

“You two are the best.”

Beau felt a funny kick in his chest. Set up or not, he was suddenly feeling really good about the day ahead.

“I’m texting you the address right now.”

Beau glanced at the screen as the text came in. Then he frowned. “Mom, this says Evendale.”

“Yep, that’s right.”

“You’re sending Becca and me toEvendale?”

“Well, that’s where the plants and glassware are.”

“That’s four and a half hours away.”

“Isn’t it great that they called early and let us know everything was in so we could get there today?”

Beau didn’t have a response. A four-hour road trip. Eight hours round-trip. Not to mention the hour or two actually in Evendale. They’d probably have to grab lunch and maybe even dinner. That was a lot of time alone with Becca.

But they’d be on the road. In the truck. Driving. So there would be no kissing or touching or temptation to do more.

Yeah, this was good. Just this little bit of time with her this morning had made him realize that he’d missed her over the past three weeks.

He looked over at her. “Still up for this?”

She shrugged. “Yeah. You?”

“Yeah. I’m gonna stop at home for a shower though,” he said, plucking the shirt he’d worn to mow the lawn away from his chest.

Becca nodded. “Great. I can get road trip snacks then.”
