Page 84 of Always Bayou

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Jack had pulled up in his tow truck and asked where they were from. When they’d said Autre, Jack had perked up and asked if they knew Leo Landry.

Jack was a terrible actor too, so it was about that time that Beau had caught on.

“No kidding,” Heather commented.

“Yeah, we’re definitely among friends over here,” Beau said with an eye roll to Becca. “So, if you could give Maggie a call and beg her to help us out with a couple of rooms, that’d be great. You can just give her my number. She can call us direct.”

“I’ll do that. I’m sure it will be no trouble.”

Becca was sure it wouldn’t be.

“We’ll talk soon,” Beau told Heather.

They disconnected and Beau scrubbed a hand over his face. “Either they think we’re idiots, or they’ve caught on to the fact that we’ve caught on.”

“Well, it is a game in a game of chicken. Everyone knows everyone else is playing, right?” Becca asked.

Beau sighed. “I guess. But if they know that we know that they’re matchmaking, do they still expect that we’re gonna fall for it?”

Becca leaned in, elbows on the table. “It’s not so much about getting us to spend time together. They’re betting on the fact that if we do that, we won’t be able to help but fall in love.”

Beau’s jaw tightened.

She ignored it. “Twenty bucks says Maggie’s bed and breakfast only has one room… with one bed…open tonight.”

Beau slumped back in his chair and groaned. “Oh my God, you’re right.”

“So what do we do?”

He lifted a shoulder. “There’s nothing wecando. They literally took part of my truck out. And until they put it back, it’s not going to run.”

“Do you think Jack took it out?” Becca asked as the thought occurred to her.

“Yes. Now that I know he’s a friend of Leo’s. He could have done it while we were inside picking up the glasses. Or he got someone else to do it. Either way, several people inthistown are in on this too.”

Becca giggled.

He lifted a brow. “It’s funny?”

“Kind of. My college friends obviously tried and struck out. You know they had to slink back to Ellie’s and admit that their plan didn’t work. So the older generation now stepped up. And they’re using their connections out of town to get it done. Kind of impressive.”

“Well, and their plan is a little more effective. We are actually stuck here. Unless we rent a car or something to drive home. And I’m not even sure this town has a car rental place.”

She studied him across the table, and he shifted on his seat, seemingly uncomfortable. “Is it really so bad to be stuck here with me? We’ll hang out. We’ll walk around town and see what’s going on. We’ll talk and laugh and watch TV and…”

He nodded. “Yeah, it’s theandthat I’m concerned about.”

“You mean what you said at the wedding dance?” she asked. “The thing about being stuck in a room with me alone?”

He sighed. “Yeah.”

“I’ve missed you the last three weeks.”

His gaze met hers. “Same.”

“I don’t want that to happen again. So if we need to be on our best behavior, and be super diligent about not letting this get out of hand, then we will. I don’t want to risk not having you around.”

He took a deep breath, then blew it out “Okay.”
