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“How about tomorrow you sleep in and I will take the kids to my mom’s?” he asks as his hands run up my calves and over my ass.

“I don’t know,” I sigh; his mom has been amazing, and I don’t want her to feel like I'm trying to pawn the kids off on her.

“Ma loves having the kids over. Plus, I think she wanted to do something with them. There is supposed to be a storyteller at the library in town. I think she wanted to keep the kids overnight. And that would be perfect; I wouldn’t mind taking you out on a date or just having you to myself.”

“I don’t know,” I repeat, even though it would be nice to spend some alone time with Cash.

“It’s done.” He rolls me to my back then scoops me up, carrying me into the bathroom before setting me on my feet outside the shower. “I’ll get up in the morning, take the kids to Ma, and then come back and we can spend the morning in bed before going on a date tomorrow night.”

“I don’t know why you try to make things seem like it’s a question when you know your mind is already made up,” I say, rolling my eyes.

“What, you don’t want to spend some time with just me?” he asks, taking my hand and pulling me into the shower.

“You know it’s not that.”

“You’re just using me for my body, aren’t you?” he asks, and I can’t help but to look over said body and admire every detail. His body is perfect. I watch as the water runs down and over every muscle; his chest has a little bit of hair—just the right amount—and down under his navel is a strip of hair, which makes a path to his perfect cock. “My eyes are up here, baby,” he says, and I watch his cock twitch. I lick my lips and hear him groan. “You’re not helping, Lil,” he says, pushing me under the water. I sputter and wipe the water out of my face.

“What the hell?” I glare at him.

“You can’t look at me like that. We need to shower and go to bed, and you can’t look at me like that…looking how you do, with your body all wet and slick...fuck,” he growls, his hands sliding along my hips to palm my ass. “Let’s just say that if you look at me like that, neither of us will be getting any sleep tonight.” His hands slide up my back and into my hair, tilting my head back, his mouth coming down on mine, stealing my breath. “Now, tomorrow you can look at me like that all day long.” He smiles, showing off both dimples. “In fact, I plan on doing a lot of looking of my own.” His eyes leave mine, trailing down my body. “But for now,” he says, sounding like he’s in pain, “for now we need to get washed up and go to bed.”

“Okay,” I agree, even though the space between my legs has begun to throb. I look over him again, my eyes catching on his massive erection.

“Lil,” he growls. My eyes come up.

“Okay, okay.” I take a step away from him, and grab my shampoo and start washing my hair quickly. I can hear Cash breathing heavily, but I don’t open my eyes. I’m afraid of what will happen if I look at him. I turn around quickly and grab my conditioner to run it through my hair. Then I grab my body wash, washing up while I let the conditioner sit. Once I’m washed, I start to rinse the conditioner from my hair. My head is back, eyes closed, and without warning, I feel his mouth on my nipple and fingers sliding through my folds. My body is still primed from earlier, and it doesn’t take much before I’m moaning my orgasm into the spray of the showerhead.

“We can’t shower together anymore,” he states, picking me up. My legs wrap around his waist and he slides inside me.

“Yeah, no more showering together,” I agree as I use my legs to grind down on him. By the time we finish our shower, we’re both exhausted, and it doesn’t take long for either of us to fall asleep.


“Hm.” I try not to speak; I don’t want to wake up.

“I’m taking the kids to Ma’s; I’ll be back,” I hear him say, but can’t really process it because I’m still trying to sleep. Then I feel weight hit my forehead and something slide down my cheek.

“Mommy, I'm goin’ to Grandma’s,” Ashlyn says, and I open my eyes to see her up on her elbows looking at me. Her long hair is pulled up in what looks like two lopsided pigtails.

“Okay, baby, have fun. Give me love before you go.” I roll to my side so I can hug her. “Where’s Jax?” I sit up to fix her hair.

“He was eating,” she says, pulling her little head away from me.

“Hey, I want to fix your hair.”

“Daddy fixed my hair,” she says, jumping off the bed, her eyes narrowing.

“Sorry.” I try not to smile. Cash can do no wrong, including her hair apparently. “Can I get a kiss before you leave?” I ask, and she belligerently climbs up onto the bed and gives me a kiss before jumping right back off the bed, leaving the room.

“You’re awake?” Cash says, coming into the room.

“Yeah, Ashlyn was just in here,” I tell him, getting up on my elbow.

“I wanted you to sleep,” he grumbles, saying something else under his breath. He makes his way to me. His hands come down on each side of me on the bed. “You’re going to go back to sleep.” He kisses me, punctuating each word. “And when I get back, I’m going to climb back into bed with you.” He runs his nose down my neck.

“Sounds good,” I breathe, feeling my nipples get hard and between my legs dampening.

“Daddy, are we weabing?” Jax yells into the room before jumping up onto the bed. His presence is like a bucket of ice water on my libido.

“We are leaving, little dude,” Cash says, standing. I sit all the way up; Jax jumps twice before plopping down on top of me, and his little hands come to my face.

“We’re habing a sleep over with Grandma,” he tells me, his tiny face titling back and forth, studying me.

“I heard; that sounds like fun,” I tell him, running my hand down his soft hair. I have no idea how his mom can stand to be away from him.

“Daddy said that we’re going to Awaska.”

“We are,” I tell him, looking up at Cash. I can’t wait to see my parents. I miss them so much, and I know that Ashlyn does too. Jax has been chatting with my dad whenever we’re able to Skype, and my dad has made Jax excited to come visit. I can’t wait to introduce Cash to my parents and show him where I grew up.

“I can’t wait to see a real life beer,” he says, making me smile because I know

he means bear.

“Well, next week at this time, we will be on a plane,” I tell him. He hugs me quickly, making my heart melt. He jumps off the bed, running out of the room where I can hear him yell, “We’re gonna see beers!”

Cash laughs and I turn to look at him. “I thought we weren’t going to tell them that we are going yet,” I say. We both agreed to tell the kids a couple days before we left so that we didn’t have to answer ‘are we leaving yet’ questions a hundred times a day.

“I know, but they wanted to come in and wake you, so I told them I would tell them a secret if they let you sleep.”

“That didn’t work,” I point out.

“Yeah, I got that.” He smiles, leaning down and kissing me again. “All right, I’m going to go get the hellions to Ma’s; go back to sleep,” he says, and I don’t think I will be able to go back to sleep, but I slide back down into the bed, pulling the cover up over my shoulder. He kisses me once more before walking out of the bedroom. I watch him leave, enjoying the view of his very firm ass in his Levi’s. I can hear him talking to the kids. I hear the kids yell a goodbye and I smile before calling out that I love them. When I hear the door slam, I close my eyes, and before I know it, I’m asleep. I wake slightly when I’m pulled across the bed, and I feel weight and warmth behind me. I start to lift my head. “Sleep, babe. We’re kid-free until tomorrow,” he says, and I feel him kiss the back of my head, his warmth seeping into me from behind. I snuggle deeper into him before drifting back to sleep. I wake up feeling warm. I do not want to move, but I really need to pee, so I start to scoot off the bed when I'm tugged back. “Where are you going?” Cash asks, his voice rough with sleep.
