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“What?” I turn my head to look at him.

“Stop talking, Lil,” he says, and I can see so many emotions on his face that it makes it hard to breath.

“It’s all true, Cash,” I say lightly. His mouth goes into a flat line, and his eyes close.

“It is, and all of those are the reasons why I’m going to take Ashlyn, go and pick out dresses for us, meet you across the street in a few hours, and tie myself to you in a way that makes it hard for you to get rid of me.” I run my fingers down his cheek.

“I want that.” He shakes his head. “No, I need that.” His eyes open, and all I can see is love. I can see so much love that I can feel it all the way to my soul. “I need you tied to me.”

“Good, I need and want the same thing,” I tell him. We stand for a few more minutes, his arms around me while we look out the window at the little chapel across the street.

“All right, babe, go get Ashlyn and go find a dress. Meet me across the street so I can make you mine.”

“Okay.” I smile and go get Ashlyn, who is sitting in the small sitting room watching cartoons. “Hey, love bug, I need your help,” I tell her, then explain exactly what we’re going to do, and all the while her smile gets bigger and bigger. My daughter is a girly-girl, and anything that involves dressing up and looking pretty she is always down for. The boys come in and tell us goodbye, and we leave shortly after them to head out in search of a dress boutique. I find a small shop in a huge casino and happen across the perfect ivory strapless gown. It hugs all my curves and fits me perfectly, and for Ashlyn, I let her pick out a very poufy pink dress and matching shoes. We head to a salon next, spending over an hour getting our hair done, along with manicures and pedicures before heading to the chapel. When we arrive, I don’t know what to expect, but I never would have thought the place would be so beautiful inside. There are no crazy impersonators, or gaudy decorations; it was just a simple room with a large alter, and six pews along the sides with beautiful cream and white flowers running between them.

“It’s so pretty,” Ashlyn says. Her eyes are lit up, and then she sees her dad at the same exact moment as I do. She takes off in a run while I’m stuck in place. He looks so hot in his tux that it’s going to take everything in me not to jump him. His eyes leave my face and travel down my body, then back up again. By the time his eyes meet mine, they are so dark and so hungry that I squeeze my thighs together, trying to release some of the ache which has settled there. “Daddy, me and Mommy had the best time eber! Look, I got a new dress,” Ashlyn says excitedly, twirling around. His eyes leave me and he smiles, looking down at our daughter.

“You look like a princess,” he tells her.

“I know!” she squeals, jumping up and down. I look to Cash’s side to see Jax standing there, looking very handsome in his tux that matches his dad’s. His hand is at his throat, trying to loosen his tie. His eyes are on his sister when he rolls them in annoyance. I smile because as much as she gets on his nerves, he really does love her. I take a step forward and squat in front of Jax. I want to make sure he is okay with us going through with this.

“You want my help?” I ask, moving my hands to his tie, where I loosen it up and undo his top button. “Are you okay with me and your dad getting married?” I ask him quietly. I know he and Ashlyn were both excited when we told them that we were engaged, but this is something different, and I need to know that he is okay with it.

“Will you be my mom?” he asks, and my eyes fly up to meet his. I take a breath; I don’t even know how to answer that.

“Well I—”

“Ashlyn is my sister already.”

“She is,” I agree.

“So if you marry my dad, that will make you my mom, right?”

“Um...I will be your stepmom,” I tell him gently. I don’t want him to think I’m trying to take his mom’s place. He seems to consider this for a few seconds before replying, “So, can I call you Mom?”

Jeez, what the hell do I say to that? I would love for him to call me Mom, but I’m not sure how everyone else will feel about it. I watch his shoulders slump, and I make up my mind right then and there, screw everyone. Okay, not everyone, but I love this kid.

“I would be honored if you called me Mom, but I think it’s something you should talk to your dad about.”

“Dad, can I call Lilly, Mom?” Jax yells, making Cash swing his head towards us. Oh no, he doesn’t look happy. Crap, crap, crap. I go to stand when Cash squats beside me.

“Is that what you want, little dude?”

“I know she’s not my real mom,” he says, looking at Cash, then me, “but can’t I have two moms?” His little head drops, and I want to hold him so badly that I feel my skin prickle.

“Of course you can,” I tell him, not caring for one second if it’s the right thing or not. I love Jax as much as I love Ashlyn, and think of him as my son, so I’m happy he feels the same about me. Today really is the perfect day; not only am I marrying the man I love, but I’m also gaining a son.

Chapter 12


I look down at my little man, my chest feeling tight. I knew he loved Lilly, but after today, I know how deeply that love runs. The lady who runs the chapel has Lilly standing at the end of the aisle. The music begins, and Ashlyn starts down the aisle, dropping flower petals as she goes. My baby girl looks beautiful in her princess dress. When she makes it to me, her head turns to look over her shoulder, looking back at what she’s done. When her eyes came back to me, her head tilts back in pride, and a smile lights up her face, letting me know she is happy with the results. “Stand where they told you, baby.” I pointed to the spot. Once she is standing there, Lilly starts making her way towards me. The cut of her dress shows off her breasts, waist, and hips; I can’t wait to get it off her. Lucky for me, a good friend of mine lives in Vegas with his wife and kids. He agreed to watch the kids for the night. Lilly doesn’t know about my plan yet, but there is no way that I’m not going to spend our wedding night without being inside her. The music continues to play as Lilly comes down the aisle. Her hands are in front of her, holding a bouquet of pink flowers that match Ashlyn’s dress. Once she makes it to me, she smiles, then laughs. “This is serious business, baby. Why are you laughing?” I reach out, grabbing her hand and dragging her to me.

“I don’t know. I was just thinking this is nothing like what I pictured when I thought of a Vegas wedding.” I chuckle and pull her even closer so I can whisper to her.

“Should we leave here and find Elvis so he can marry us?”

“No, this is perfect,” she whispers back, her eyes soft as they search mine, the smile on her face telling me everything that I need to know. I thought that I may have been rushing her, and a part of me felt guilty about it, while the other part couldn’t care less, so it’s a relief to see her excitement and happiness.

“You ready to do this?” I ask quietly.


I lean forward to kiss her, but she leans back, away from me. “You can’t kiss me yet.”

“I can’t?”

“Not until after we’re married.” She shakes her head.

“Well then, let’s do this so I can kiss you.” She steps back until she is standing next to Ashlyn, who grabs her hand. The man who is going to marry us takes it as his cue to begin the ceremony. I listened as he speaks, and repeat when necessary, but for the most part, I’m in awe looking at Lilly, wondering how the fuck I got so lucky. I had fucked up huge in the past with her, and now having her standing across from me, agreeing to be my wife, is something I would never have even considered as a possibility.

“Cash, would you please repeat after me.”

“I have my own vows,” I tell him. Lilly’s eyes widen, then she giggles and shakes her head.

“Sure,” the officiator says.

I clear my throat, feeling nervous all of the sudden

. “I vow to love you unconditionally, without hesitation. I will encourage you, trust you, and respect you. As a family, we will create a home filled with learning, laughter, and compassion. I promise to be your biggest fan, your partner in crime, and the person you can always depend on. From the moment we met, you have owned me, and I will love you until I take my last breath. I will work every day to make now into always. With these words, and all the love in my heart, I marry you and bind your life to mine.” I slide an infinity diamond ring up against her wedding ring, bring it to my mouth, and place a kiss on it.

“You’re really good at this,” she whispers. I can’t help but laugh and kiss her forehead.

“Lilly, do you have vows?” the officiator asks.

“Um, no, but can I just make it up?”

“If that’s what you would like.” He smiles.

“Yes, please,” she says, taking hold of my hands. “Today, standing here with our children watching, I choose you, Cash, to be my partner. I am proud to be your wife, and to join my life with yours. I promise to support you, push you, inspire you, and above all, love you, for better or worse, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, as long as we both shall live.” She is crying harder now, and I can feel tears fill my eyes as she speaks. She shocks me when she pulls her hand away, reaching down the front of her dress where she pulls out a ring. We both start laughing when she mouths the word ‘storage’ to me. Her hand comes back to mine, lifts them, and slides the ring on my finger, her finger running over it before looking back up at me. Then she reaches her hands forward, one going to either side of my face, pulling my head towards hers.

“Hey, no kissing until we’re married,” I tell her, laughing. I look over at the man and he grins, nodding his head.

“By the power invested in me and the great state of Nevada, I now pronounce you Husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride,” he says. My hand goes into the back of Lilly’s hair; I tilt her face back, and my mouth covers hers, my tongue sweeping in. The sound she makes urges me on. I can’t wait to be inside her. There is nothing better than her thighs wrapped around my hips, her arms around my neck, and her wet heat strangling my cock. I reluctantly pull away from her, kissing her lips one more time. Both kids start yelling and running around in circles.
