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“I don’t want sweet!” she cries, her nails digging into my skin. My balls pull up and I thrust harder, each time grinding my pelvis against hers. Her body starts to pull me deeper. I feel the tingle in my spine and my balls draw up tight. I close my mouth over hers, sucking her tongue into my mouth at the same time she tightens and cries out. I lose myself inside her. My weight sinks down on top of her, my body molding to hers and I thrust more gently. My hands go to the sides of her face, I pull her hair away, and I lean forward to kiss her forehead, nose, and then her mouth.

“How you feeling?” I ask, whispering against her mouth, enjoying the feeling of having her under me, and still buried inside of her.

“I can’t believe we’re really married.” She smiles, one which lights up her whole face. The smile that made me fall in love with her. The smile that she gives my kids, and the smile that I will be blessed with looking at for the rest of my life.

“Believe it, baby. You’re my wife.” I smile back.

“And you’re my husband,” she says, running her fingers down my jaw.

“I am,” I slide out of her, “and as your husband, I’m going to give you a bath and order some food, that way you have enough energy to make it through Naked Hotel Day.” She giggles, rolling away. I stand at the side of the bed and start laughing when I notice that she is covered with rose petals.

“What’s so funny?” she asks. I pull her out of the bed, sliding a petal off her nipple. “Oh.” She looks down at the bed, then between the two of us before cracking up. I don’t have time to think before she runs off. I don’t know what she’s doing until she grabs her phone and I hear the sound of the camera clicking.

“What are you doing?”

“I want a picture of you covered in rose petals. I figure if I ever need to get my way, I can use this to blackmail you.” She laughs as I lunge after her, and when I catch her, I toss her over my shoulder, slapping her ass one time before heading towards the bathroom.

“You’re gonna pay for that,” I tell her.

“What are you gonna do, spank me?” she asks, and I can hear the need in her voice.

“No, you like that too much. I say you’re going to get punishment-by-cock.” I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling. Her eyes narrow, then widen as I slide her down my body before turning, pressing her into the wall. “Are you ready for your punishment?” I press my hips into hers.

“Yes,” she moans as I fill her, giving her the first part of her punishment, then again in the bathroom on the floor, then pressed against the glass windows where we decided to get married this morning, overlooking the little white chapel, and then in bed, where I fall asleep with my wife in my arms.


“I can’t believe you!” Jules yells, running out of her apartment. I knew it was coming, I just didn’t know when. I shake my head and roll up the window of the truck. I didn’t want Jax to hear this conversation. We have been home for a week from our trip to Alaska and layover in Vegas, and today was the first time Jules has called and asked to see Jax. I hate taking him to her, but I can’t deny him his own mother. I never want him to look at me and see the person who kept him from her.

“Hey, dude.” He’s looking out the window at his mom when I call his name. His eyes meet mine in the mirror. “I need to talk to your mom for a second, so stay buckled in.” He nods, his eyes going back to Jules. I know he is conflicted about her. Shit, I’m conflicted about her. I fucking hate her guts, but there is nothing I can do because she is the mother of my son, so I’m forced to get along with her. I get out of the truck, shutting the door. I hold up my hand, holding her off until I can get her to the back of the truck. “Don’t start your shit and let my son hear,” I growl.

“Don’t start my shit?” She puts her hands on her hips and I know she is itching to fight. She is always ready to fight. “You got married, and you don’t want me to start my shit?” she asks, glaring.

“Me getting married has absolutely nothing to do with you,” I tell her firmly. Marrying Lilly was the smartest thing I have ever done, for myself and my kids.

“My son lives with you.”

“He does,” I nod in agreement, “because that’s where the courts put him.”

“I think he should come live with me.” My fists clench. I have never hit a woman in my life, and never would, but there have been times that I could see myself strangling her for how fucking selfish she is.

“You see him maybe every couple of weeks, only when the mood strikes you, and you want him to move in with you? He doesn’t even know you. He can’t even be left alone with you without crying and freaking out.”

“That’s your fault! You have always babied him.”

“He is a fucking baby.” I pull off my ball cap, running my hand through my hair. “I don’t have time for this shit today,” I growl, my eyes meeting hers.

“Oh, I’m sure you need to get back to the wife. Good to know she is more important than your son.”

“First of all, unlike you, I don’t place people in my life on different levels of importance. Lilly, Jax, and Ashlyn have all of me, one not more than the other.”

“Lucky them, I never got shit from you,” she says with a hurt look, but I have been down this road with her a million times.

“You’re right. You never had my heart, but you had me. I was there; you were just so caught up in yourself and what you could get that you didn’t give a fuck about me or your son, so don’t try to feed me some sob-story bullshit.”

“You’re such a fucking dick.”


o you want to take Jax to the park, or are you gonna hang out with him here?” I’m done with her drama. We will never see eye-to-eye on any of this.

“I don’t have time to take him to the park. I have to be somewhere.” She doesn’t even look disappointed about missing out on time with her son.

“Why the fuck did you ask me to bring him if you don’t have time to visit?”

“I thought I would have time, but I got a call right before you got here, and now I don’t have time.”

“Whatever.” I shake my head in disgust. I knew coming here was going to be a waste of time. I keep giving her chance after chance, hoping and praying that she will change for Jax, or at lease show some interest, but she never does. It’s always the same bullshit. “Do you at least want to say goodbye to him?”

“Um, sure.” She shrugs her shoulders like it’s all the same to her. Then she walks over to the back door of my truck, opening it up. I walk to the front of the truck, opening the door and climbing inside. I listen as Jules tells Jax that she will see him another time. He sits there quietly, not responding. She doesn’t touch him like a normal mother would touch her child after a long period of not seeing them. She doesn’t even talk gently to him like a mother would; her whole demeanor is exactly like it is when she talks to me or one of her friends. “All right, talk to you both soon,” Jules says as she closes the door of the truck. I wonder if she even notices that Jax didn’t say one word to her the whole time.

“You okay, little dude?” I look over my shoulder to talk to him; his tiny jaw is clenched, and I know that he is trying not to cry. He nods his head, and then looks out the window again.
