Page 19 of The Underboss

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“What do you think you’re doing, vixen child?”

“I’m no child. What I’m doing is teasing you.”

“Be careful. I do bite.”

“You’ll need to catch me first.” Her laughter continued as she backed away. Then she jerked to the right, flitting out of the room.

I couldn’t help but laugh, not remembering the last time I’d felt so at ease. With her, I could be anybody I wanted to be. This wasn’t about money or power, my family’s influence versus hers. This was a night of passion for two strangers. What the hell could be better than that?

Ah, yes. The answer was easy. Her writhing underneath me.

I took two long strides, remaining in the doorway as I listened, tamping back my heavy breathing. Her laugher had ceased, but I sensed she remained close.

As I moved into the darkened hallway, I twisted my head from one side to the other. There was no noise but the slight ticking of the ornamental grandfather clock, one of the few pieces I’d requested from my dead father’s estate. While I usually managed to ignore the sound, tonight it added to the eerie effect as the rain continued to pelt against the roof.

I took silent steps, hissing when my foot hit the single floorboard that I knew creaked. I could swear the tinkling sound of muffled laughter was a sweet reward for giving away my location.

It was impossible not to smile as I headed toward the sound, lewd and filthy thoughts of what I wanted to do to her streaming into the back of my mind. I stopped short just before entering the living room. “Come out, come out, wherever you are. Or there will be a second punishment to face.”

The silence was surprising. Then I could swear I heard another muffled sound, as if she was doing her best to stifle another laugh.

“I think you’ve already learned what happens to bad girls when they don’t obey. It’s time to finish what I started. Teasing me isn’t a good idea.” I moved further into the room, scanning the perimeter. There were several places for her to hide. Another surprise was how much I adored the way she was toying with me. It made the anticipation that much greater.

When she said nothing, I moved quickly behind the overstuffed chair, certain I’d find her. Then I heard another noise and turned just in time to see a pillow flopping from the couch in front of the fireplace. Smirking, I moved toward it silently, issuing a throaty growl as I jumped from around the side.

The silence was almost irritating. She really believed she could win this game. I turned in a full circle, amused as hell at the way my mind worked. I was annoyed and aroused. The combination was uncomfortable and sexy at the same time. “You have one chance to give up like a good little girl. If you don’t, then I’m going to spank you for a second time. And I promise I won’t be nearly as gentle.”

I glanced from one shadowed corner to another, finally noticing the drapes in front of the oversized window had fluttered. I wasted no time, heading in that direction, yanking it back by several feet. That’s when I heard sparkling laughter clearly as well as the sound of Chrissy racing toward the door of the living room.

She managed to make it out before I had a chance to react, but I wasn’t the kind of man to give up easily.

I issued another series of predatory growls and ran toward the hallway, noticing her immediately as she lunged toward the stairs. Throwing a single look over her shoulder was her only mistake. Within seconds, I had my arm wrapped around her waist, spinning her around and tossing her over my shoulder.

“No. No. No!” she yelped, immediately pummeling my back with her fists.

“Uh-huh. Did you really think you could get away from me that easily?” The second I cracked my hand against her bottom she squealed, kicking her legs up and down.


I smacked her again, taking my time heading to the stairs. “I warned you.” I cracked my hand across her bottom four times in rapid succession, taking the stairs slowly and one at a time. “Let me see how many cracks of my palm I can get in prior to reaching the second floor. Then I’ll pull off my belt.”

“You’re horrible.”

“Yes, I am.” I couldn’t keep a grin off my face as I continued the spanking, even whistling as I headed toward my bedroom. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d whistled for any reason. That wasn’t my kind of life.

“Ouch. Ouch. I’ll be good. I promise!” She continued pummeling her fists against me. If she really thought that was going to work, she had another think coming. I was enjoying the hell out of myself, which allowed her to keep pretending she was trying to get me to stop. I knew better. I’d sensed from the beginning that she enjoyed being dominated, although skittish after the abuse she’d been through.

Another blast of rage rushed through me. I wanted to smash her father’s face in, giving him a taste of his own medicine. I smacked her long and hard. She finally stopped fighting me as I neared the top, the scent of her desire wafting straight to my nostrils. I was more than just enthralled with this woman.

I was starting to feel the need to possess her for all eternity.

Fuck me. I’d need to let her go as soon as possible or I’d become obsessive. With two more brutal smacks of my hand, I reached the floor, taking long strides toward my partially closed bedroom door. I kicked it in, moving inside and taking the time to turn on a single lamp on the dresser.

Then I tossed her into the center of the bed, pointing down at her, keeping a commanding look on my face. “Stay right there, little vixen. If you don’t, your next punishment will be that much worse.”

When I backed away, she took gulping breaths, crawling into her knees. Fuck me. Just the sight of her that way created another wave of thoughts that could likely be considered vile and heartless. I could tie her to my bed, keeping her for an undisclosed period of time. No one would know where she’d been taken, which would make her incarceration that much sweeter.

Was I that kind of bad man?
