Page 31 of The Underboss

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“Jesus, dude. We’re surrounded by firepower. No one would be that stupid.”

“Tell the men who just died that story, Viper.”

“Fuck. I know. What cowards.”

I glanced at him, nodding as I continued to seethe. “This wouldn’t have happened had we eradicated the entire Bianchi family.”

“And what good would that have done? I understand your anger. I feel your frustration.”

“Do you?”

His eyes opened wide and I sighed, rubbing my jaw. “You seem to forget Max is my friend and has been for a long time. I’m one of the godfathers of his children, for fuck’s sake. I also consider you a brother, whether your sorry ass likes it or not. Max is taking this harder than you think. He worries every day about his family, including you. While you’re acting cavalier about what happened, violence isn’t always the answer.”

“It’s not about violence, Viper. It’s about setting a tone, making certain shit like this doesn’t happen. Some men don’t do that with threats or conversations. If my father hadn’t ignored the signs that he was being targeted all those years ago…” I stopped short, immediately turning away. “Stupid fool.”

“I didn’t have the pleasure of meeting your father, Francesco, but I’ve seen him through the eyes of his two children who by all accounts loved him very much and through the stories Maxwell has told me. In my eyes, your father was a brilliant, caring leader who would be very happy with the man you’ve become.”

Viper had never said anything like this to me in the years I’d known him. I gave him a nod of respect because he deserved it. “I appreciate that but right now, I feel like a failure.”

“Why? Because of the loss of two of your soldiers? They knew the score when you hired them. You didn’t lie. They did their jobs.”

“Yeah, well.”

“Why do I think what’s really going on here is that you can’t forgive yourself for letting that girl go?”

Bristling, my grip on the glass became tight enough I was certain it would break. “She doesn’t matter right now.”

“Uh-huh. Keep telling yourself that and maybe one day you’ll believe it.”

Fuck. Why was everyone determined to provide unwanted advice?

We stood quietly for a few minutes.

“Have you heard anything about Ralph’s condition?” he asked. Music blared from several speakers, children laughing as they played in the bounce house. I found it fascinating that neighbors had allowed their kids to accept an invitation to the birthday party. Maybe it had been out of fear, but I wasn’t so certain.

Everyone was having a good time, even if Max’s expression remained pensive. He understood what the personal attack meant, the requirement to go on the offensive. “He’s stable, likely to make a full recovery. I can’t say the same thing about James and Marco.”

“They were good men,” he said quietly. “Did you make arrangements for their families?”

I threw him a look and laughed. “Of course. Their kids will be well taken care of including college funds established. Just like little Joey.”

“You’re a good man as well.”

“You obviously don’t know me very well.” I grinned but that was the truth. I would take everything that was important to Roberto Bianchi, including his second-born son if necessary. This time, nothing would be held back.

“Uncle Francesco!” Meghan came running and a smile crossed my face immediately as I placed my drink on the railing, crouching down so she could throw her arms around me. Maybe I really was an old softie.

“Oh, baby girl. Happy birthday. How old are you now? Four?”

She pulled away and gave me an evil eye. I could tell she was going to be a handful just like her mother. “You know I’m seven.”

“Eight going on fifteen,” Viper said in a hushed voice.

“Very funny, Unkie Viper,” Meghan said, giving him attitude as usual. The men who were closest were all considered relatives, ready to die in order to protect the two children.

Myself included.

They were the light of all our lives, Max and Raleigh allowing us to share in the special moments such as this one.
