Page 54 of The Underboss

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“Arturo and his godfather can’t get you reelected. Only my family can. I would keep that in mind if I were you.” While Dante remained furious, I sensed the mayor was playing both sides.

Perhaps he didn’t understand it was a very dangerous game.

“Yes, well, I do hope to see an invitation to the wedding. I’m certain it will be the event of the year.”

“Of course, Mayor. All my friends will be there. You do remember that you’re a very close friend of my father’s. Yes?”

There was more than just an implied threat in Dante’s tone and the man’s face showed just how much.

“Of course. I should let your father know I’m here,” the mayor said. “Very good to meet you, Ms. Lorenzo.”

“You as well.” Pretending had taken a lot out of me already and the night was early.

Dante exhaled then moved in front of me. While he kept his voice low, the menacing tone was apparent. “If I need to place you on a leash, I’ll do it. However, I have business to attend to and would prefer to allow you to enjoy some time with our friends and family. Do you think it’s possible you can behave yourself?”

The man was a condescending, pompous son of a bitch that I couldn’t wait to drive a knife into. He was also nervous tonight, which was something I could perhaps use. The smart thing for me to do was to be patient and observe who he had business with. I’d need to be a very good actress to do so, which meant disengaging from antagonizing him. I softened my expression and my tone was casually bland, trying to act as if I was falling into line.

I hated every minute of doing so.

“I would enjoy spending time getting to know your friends, Dante. Besides, I’m already on a short leash.”

While a hint of his anger subsided, there was no doubt I’d been right about his anxiety. Everything was riding on the line with this lie for a marriage. That made me wonder what in the hell was really going on. This wasn’t just about helping the mayor to get reelected. There was a major powerplay going on.

Francesco Arturo. Just thinking the name echoed in my ears like the vision of my lover continuously played out in my mind.

“You won’t need to stay here for long. However, do not attempt to leave the premises. Is that understood?”

“Absolutely.” I took a sip of champagne, glancing around the room carefully as I did so. Everyone was watching us, which made me terribly uncomfortable, but there was a story in their actions. This was an event they knew better than to refuse attending.

I had no doubt the five million dollars was chump change in comparison to what my father had been promised.

Dante squeezed my arm with enough force, I had to bite back a cry from the wash of pain. I refused to give him the satisfaction, the anger and hatred keeping me nicely fueled for now. After he walked away, I took a deep breath then glanced over my shoulder, watching him glower in front of another crowd of well-wishers. I wasn’t honestly certain I could tolerate the evening.

I threw back the entire glass of champagne, seeking another waiter and replacing the flute quickly. Then I moved away from the center of the room, hoping to find a little space and air. As soon as I leaned against the wall, I realized I had a bird’s-eye view of the comings and goings in the restaurant. There were still people arriving. What had the man done, put out a bulletin in the New York Times?

I couldn’t put anything past him. At least I shouldn’t. There was also a photographer capturing candid pictures. The event would be an internet sensation within an hour. I’d bet on it.

Over the next few minutes, a few people stopped by, introducing themselves. I played the part, shaking hands and smiling like the dutiful wife he’d mentioned, faking my happiness better than I thought I had in me. I noticed either Dante’s or my father’s heated gaze every so often. Then it seemed as if both men were actively engaged in a lengthy conversation.

As I sipped my bubbly, I shifted closer to the expansive food table, my stomach churning from just seeing the sight of meatballs and shrimp. Turning away, something out of the corner of my eye caught my attention. I lifted my head, noticing two men had walked through the entrance, both scanning the guests.

I moved around the table, inching closer. Both were dressed very well in charcoal suits, yet I sensed the darker skinned man was a bodyguard or soldier walking just a couple of steps in front of the second even more handsome hunk. With midnight curly hair and broad shoulders, a crisp white shirt and bright red tie, he gave off an aura of danger.

The man behind him finally flanked his side, saying something to him that caused the sinfully gorgeous hunk to grin. Then he nodded, immediately grabbing a glass of champagne after a waiter approached.

He was handsome, his chiseled jaw drawing my attention. While I couldn’t make out all his features from where I stood, and from people getting in my way, I could instantly tell just how powerful he was by the reactions of those around him. And there was no doubt he was carrying a weapon under his tailored jacket.

Why did I have the distinct impression he wasn’t supposed to be here? A party crasher. Why did I also believe there could be a massacre? Maybe because Dante’s soldiers were immediately on notice, their actions those of trained seals. Three of them moved closer to the newcomers while another pushed his way through the crowd to find Dante and his father. I was certain of it.

I shifted forward, trying to locate Dante myself. A slight flurry of activity amongst a few of the guests caused amusement. Fear and anxiety were obvious by the fact so many turned their backs or headed toward the food tables. There was no doubt the mystery guest hadn’t been well received.

Then within seconds, I noticed that the guests who were closest to the door shifted backwards and away from the late arrivals completely, leaving a wide arc of space. This was getting more and more entertaining. Who was this man who’d caused such a stir in a short period of time?

I moved a few feet closer then froze, tingling sensations already working their way through every muscle. “Oh, my God.”

Then the sensations turned to sheer electricity pulsing through every vein, my core immediately on fire. I blinked several times, trying to alleviate the haze that had formed around my eyes. Then I sucked in my breath, unable to stop shaking. Francesco Arturo. The world came to a full stop. No sight. No sound. A void that threatened to suck me in. I’d heard that there was one person that was your true soulmate and that if all the planets aligned, nothing and no one could keep the two souls from connecting.

True or not, the fact the man I’d fallen hard for was standing in the same room was one that both excited and terrified me. The one I’d dreamt of. The one I’d tried to hate. “No. That’s not possible. That isn’t possible.” Fate couldn’t be so cruel.
