Page 83 of The Underboss

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His statement caught me off guard. The man knew too much, enough that my hackles were raised. All it took was a quick glance into Christiana’s eyes to know she had an idea of who’d betrayed me.

Swaggering closer, I kept the hard, cold expression. “Your world is about to come crashing down all around you.”

“That’s not going to happen. How do I know?” he growled and pressed his lips against her cheek. “Because this little bitch is your weakness. Now, I suggest you walk out that door or I have no issue killing the girl you left behind. I assure you that I’d rather see her dead than back in your arms.”

When he squeezed his arm around Christiana’s neck, she struggled, the wheeze she issued indicating she couldn’t breathe.

I tightened my hold on the gun, taking several deep breaths. While the last thing I wanted to do was to risk her in any way, I could tell he was serious about ending her life.

“Careful,” Cayman hissed, moving to one side, Viper to the other. We weren’t stupid. Dante was an excellent shot. He’d take her life, losing his in order to drag what was left of my soul straight to hell. I couldn’t allow that to happen.

In a few seconds, I studied the girl who’d turned into a woman right before my eyes, allowing her to see exactly how I felt about her. I could sense an even stronger resolve building just like the electricity between us was increasing tenfold with every minute that passed. While it was possible our human bodies would be taken, fate and karma had already made us one.

We would find each other again.

And one way or another, we would rule the world.

After managing to offer a smile, she struggled in his arms, jamming her elbow into his gut. Then the gorgeous woman who refused to be a victim did the unexpected.

She stomped on his foot, immediately lurching forward, breaking the connection enough for me to get a clear shot.

I’d listened to the man I respected the most, Max’s advice remaining in the forefront of my mind. I hadn’t intended on starting a war but there were times that fate had a way of interfering. I had to believe that was the case this time. As Dante lunged for the woman I loved, pointing his weapon at her head, I didn’t hesitate to do what was necessary to save her life.

Pop! Pop!

The thing about fate was that it often had a cruel side.

And sometimes monsters refused to die.

Before I had a chance to push Christiana to safety, I heard a noise from behind, forcing me to spin.

“She has a weapon!” Christiana’s cry had a strange echo and it was followed by a high-pitched snarl of a predator.

As the woman I adored lunged through the air, another shot went off. Then all hell seemed to break loose, soldiers rushing into the room, Cayman flying in my direction. All I could think about was getting to her, saving her.

Protecting her.

As the fierce battle cry continued, I stared in disbelief and awe as Christiana smashed the older woman’s arm against the wall several times, the weapon finally flying from her hand. The bullet had missed everyone, slamming into the ceiling instead.

“Christ. You need to put her on the payroll,” Cayman said as he immediately dropped to the floor, grabbing and pocketing the gun.

“I have other plans for the lady. Take the baggage off her hands,” I instructed.

“You got it, boss.”

As Cayman approached, I could tell Christiana was ready to rip into the older woman.

“Let me take her,” he said quietly, his tone encouraging.

When she didn’t react right away, I backed against the wall, allowing the beautiful redhead to clearly see me. “You can let go of her now, little dove. She’s not going to hurt anyone.”

Christiana took a deep breath, the electricity humming from her body intense. Then she turned her head, blinking several times. “You came for me.”

“Did you misunderstand what I told you, baby? You belong to me.”

I could sense she was struggling with my words. Then she let the woman go, backing away slightly.

“You will pay for this,” the woman said. “You will die.”
