Page 44 of Spook's Possession

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Chapter 10

My eyelashes stucktogether as my eyes attempted to open, and I groaned, knowing I had way too much to drink last night. The nasty taste in my mouth proved it, along with the steady, persistent pounding inside my skull like tiny hammers were trying to punch a way through and rid my brain of its stupidity.

I’ve had far too many hangovers lately.

If I was honest, my lack of control and need to escape reality happened eight months earlier when Country returned to me, and those assholes from the cult appeared, threatening my family and promising to return in a year.

That part never made sense to me.

Was it a game? Was I supposed to suffer while I knew the guy I loved was near, but I wasn’t allowed to be with him? Did they enjoy inflicting pain on others, forcing them into situations where they had to choose between loved ones?

I couldn’t help thinking the answer to all those questions was yes. Wasn’t that why I went down this self-destructive path? Why I turned to alcohol and weed to help me forget? Because I was all alone trying to find a way to save us all and failing in the process.

The depression, nightmares about my abuser from childhood, and jealousy that everyone else was free to be around Country, but I had to keep my distance was taking a mental toll. I couldn’t handle the heartache or the pressure.

I needed a savior but couldn’t tell a soul.

Maybe I just needed saving from myself. One bad decision led to another, and now I lounged on an unfamiliar bed. Rolling over, I spotted Country.

Oh shit. What the hell happened last night? Did we sleep together? No, I was still dressed. He would never take advantage of me like that. Even if I begged him for sex, he would have refused because I was drunk.

Double shit. What did I say to him last night? Did I tell him the truth or mention the cult?

I winced as my head ached, and I sighed. I should have left but couldn’t make myself get up. I didn’t want this anymore. I’d suffered long enough. In truth, we both had lived in agony. If all I had was four more months, I wanted to spend them with Country.

He blinked as he slowly woke, a smile stretching his lips.

God. The way he stared at me like he could never get enough made my heart flutter.

“Morning, Wildfire.”


He scooted closer, reaching for my hand and holding it, giving my fingers a light squeeze. “How do you feel?”

“Like tiny aliens are trying to knock a hole in my skull.”

He snickered. “Need some water and Tylenol?”


“I’ll be right back.”

He slid from the bed and reached for a pair of jeans. I couldn’t tear my gaze away from the muscles that rippled along his back and arms, bulging with the movement. Country resembled one of those images of Greek gods that littered popular culture. An Adonis with the perfect physique and chiseled features, long wavy hair, and a handsome face that left a trail of broken hearts behind him. On top of that, he was kind, selfless, protective, and charming.

How could I resist his sweetness? I gobbled it up, desperate for more. When he returned, I took the pain relievers he handed over and drank half the bottle of water.

He placed it on the bedside table. “Come here.”

I didn’t hesitate to snuggle against his chest as he sat up, resting his back against the headboard of his bed.
