Page 45 of Spook's Possession

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Country’s arms wrapped around me, and held tight as if the world couldn’t separate us again. How I wished that was true.

“I don’t want to ruin this moment by asking why you’re still here, but I’d love to know.”

“I don’t want to stay away from you anymore. I can’t,” I admitted, feeling tears clogging my throat. “It’s killing me.”

He sucked in a breath. “Does that mean you lied?”

When? All I did for eight months was lie. He needed to be specific. “When?”

“Eight months ago when you said you didn’t love me.” His voice sounded strangled, and I lifted my head, staring into his eyes. The pain inside them shamed me.

“I’m sorry I said that.”

“Did you mean it?”

“No.” The first truth I had spoken since he returned to me.

“Then you do?” His intense gaze roamed my face.

“I do.” It felt good to tell him. “I love you, Country.”

His lips pressed to mine so fast that I jolted, quickly recovering as I leaned into the kiss. A moan escaped as he slipped in his tongue, pushing through the seam of my lips. A beautiful dance ensued as our tongues lashed and tangled together. A rough, wild merge. And then it changed. The kiss became more sensual, slowing in pace.

Hot. Wet. So fucking deep.

When he pulled back first, I got impatient, longing to reconnect. Country stopped me, brushing a thumb over my lips. “Not yet. You’ve got a hangover, and we need to talk.”

“Okay,” I pouted.

He laughed in that sexy, deep way that I loved.

“What do you want to talk about?” This could end up causing an argument, but I didn’t want to deny him.

“Where have you been sneaking off to, Raven?”

Sneaking off? Shit. “You noticed.”

“I notice everything about you, crazy girl.”

With a sigh, I lowered my head, resting my cheek on his chest, directly over his heart. The steady thrum soothed me. “I’ve been trying to find out about Vinny Miller.”

“Who the fuck is that?”

“The man who took me.”

Country squeezed me tighter, wrapping both arms around me. “Why?”

“Because I don’t think he moved here by accident.”

I lifted my head, staring into his soft brown eyes.

“I think he was led here and chose me on purpose.”

“Fuck, Heather. What did you find?”

“Enough shit to scare the hell out of me,” I admitted. “I looked up his information and found previous arrests. He was charged with multiple crimes against children.”

