Page 30 of Unregrettable

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Hmm, not a bad idea. I hadn’t thought about the basement. Either that or the stacks in the library if I’d ever put some thought into it ahead of time.

“But you’ve clearly fantasized about it,” I tease.

She flushes bright red.

I pat her hand and put her out of her misery by saying, “It was in the science lab.”

She lets out a little gasp. “The science lab? That’s crazy. It’s on the first floor, in the middle of the school. Anyone could’ve walked in.”

“But they didn’t. I’m not saying we went all out. No clothes off or anything like that.”

She looks me over critically. “You sure about that? You clearly didn’t have a chance to fix yourself up. It looks like he got his paws all over you.”

Thinking back on Marku this morning, I mutter under my breath, “I wish.”

She gives me a worried, perplexed look. “Well, you better clean yourself up before your next class. You don’t want any questions asked or any calls home. Your mother will immediately know what happened just by one look.” She points to the button of my skirt hanging by its string and leaving a view of my thigh. “You better stop by my house before going home. I can fix that button.”

I squeeze her arm. “Always got my back, Star. One of the many reasons I love you. But I’ve ditched a class, so I’ve got detention. You and Gabby will be riding home without me.”

“Even more reason for you to stop at my house first. With this detention, you don’t want to give her another reason to go crazy.”

“Hey, what happened to you?” Gabby walks toward us, her gaze sweeping up and down my frame.

Suddenly self-conscious, I check my hair and face in the mirror on the inside of my locker door. I quickly grab a makeup wipe and clean the smudges around my lips. I pull the elastic from my messy ponytail and start brushing my hair out until it’s smooth and shiny.

I look down at my outfit to see what else needs to be fixed when I feel a strange sensation at my nape. The hairs stand on their ends. And no wonder. A second later, Marku passes by, his eyes raking me from head to toe. It’s an angry, spiteful look, with plenty of hunger thrown into it. A burning sensation sweeps over my skin, leaving me feeling hot and tingly.

Gabby catches Marku’s look and does a double take. “What was that?”

Star asks, “What was what?”

“Marku. Staring at you like that,” Gabby replies to the question, but directs her answer to me.

Star turns to me, her eyes narrowed slightly in question. Her brows draw together as she starts putting two and two together. Cutting her off before she comes to the obvious conclusion, I blurt out, “He caught us.”

Gabby’s eyes widen. “Caught you doing what?”

“Caught me making out with a boy.”

“Which boy?” she says in a hushed tone.

“A girl never tells.”

Gabby pouts. “Since when?”

I sigh. “Believe me, if it was remarkable, if it hadn’t been such a waste of time, I’d tell you. But this isn’t a guy I’m going to marry. It was nothing more than one kiss, and a bad one at that. If I tell, you’ll never let me hear the end of it and I never want to be reminded of that boring kiss.”

Gabby eyes me suspiciously. “And how many kisses have you had so far.”

I count the number of times I’ve hooked up with Marku, ticking them off in my head. “Six.”

Gabby screeches,“Six?”

“Shush,” says Star, making a hushing motion with her hand.

“I haven’t even had one,” says Gabby angrily. Anton and her brother, Soren, happen to pass by the same moment she says it. Soren swats her jokingly on his way, while Anton looks straight ahead without acknowledging her. She turns a pissed-off look in Anton’s direction, which he doesn’t seem to notice. “Not. One.” Then I think I hear her murmur, “Bastard.”

I roll my eyes. “Believe me, it’s not that hard.” I gesture toward the flow of kids streaming down the hall. “Look at them. Free for the taking.”
