Page 24 of Star Power

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Not that there were too many places to look. After they’d left the dining room, Ada’s guests moved between the kitchen, the living room or the backyard and pool area. But Charlotte couldn’t seem to stop her eyes from landing on Lara, and she’d been caught more than once.

For dinner, Lara had taken the seat beside Charlotte, and she couldn’t say whether it had been accidental, that they just happened to take those two seats, or if Lara had timed it that she chose to sit there once Charlotte had pulled out the chair.

Either way, they’d be able to talk throughout dinner, which had been nice, because Charlotte hadn’t really spoken to her since she’d left Lara’s that morning. The few texts about trying to find a day to see each other and coming up empty didn’t count.

And thankfully, things hadn’t been awkward.

Challenging maybe. Between Lara’s form fitting black jeans and her dressy emerald green tank top, Charlotte had struggled not to check her out. And then there were the two times that Lara’s hand had landed on her thigh. One was mid conversation, when they’d been laughing, and it was probably a natural movement, Lara squeezing her thigh like that, but fuck did it send a jolt of electricity right to her core.

The second time, Ada had been thanking them all for coming, for celebrating with her, and while they’d both been listening, Lara’s hand had found its way back to her thigh, gently resting there for a few seconds before she moved away, leaving Charlotte wishing she hadn’t.

“This is the way to celebrate,” Ada said, clinking her wine glass off Charlotte’s and bringing her back to the present. “I hate all the after-party bullshit. This is who I want to be with after a win, even if it’s a week later. Just my closest friends.”

“I’m so happy for you. We were pacing the living room waiting to see who won, although I just had this gut feeling that it would be you, that it had to be you after that performance.”

“We? I thought you would have savored the chance to skip an awards ceremony and watch it alone. Who did you have over?”

Charlotte inhaled a sharp breath, covering it up by taking a drink. “I ran into Lara at that wrap party at Jessica’s. I assumed she’d be going to the ceremony, but when she said that she’d be watching it at home, I thought why not invite her over.”

Ada stared at her. “Really?”

“Yeah.” Charlotte took another drink. “And I was thinking about what you asked me to do, to see how Lara was doing, that she wouldn’t tell you if she was struggling because she’s your agent.”

“Oh. Well, I appreciate that, and Kerri will too, but you didn’t have to invite her over. You didn’t find out anything at the wrap party?”

“A little. I actually left Jessica’s a little worried about her, and that’s what made me think it was a good idea to spend some more time with her.”

“Okay, so what did you find out?” Ada asked, her eyes shifting past Charlotte. “Lara’s talking to Sydney on the other side of the room. She won’t overhear us.”

Charlotte nodded. “I think she’s still trying to find out how to do the job. I think she’s managing just fine as Kerri’s successor. But as far as Lara Soler, talent agent?” Charlotte blew out a breath. “I don’t know. I don’t get the impression her heart’s in it. That this is a business she could live and breathe for the next twenty years.”

“Really? I’m surprised.” Ada turned her body towards her, blocking out the rest of the room. “Kerri always made it seem like Lara wanted this. I thought she approached Kerri with the idea that not only would she be her P.A. but that she also wanted to know the ins and outs of the business, that that would make her an even better personal assistant. And she is good at her job. I know Kerri always made it look easy. So, you don’t think she’s happy?”

Charlotte sighed. “I don’t know. I’m just saying, short term, I think she’s doing just fine. But I wouldn’t be surprised if she burnt out in a year. That’s all I’m saying.”

Ada held her gaze for a second before taking another drink. “Thank you. For doing that. I know Kerri always thought of her as more than her P.A. and I can really see that now. Most people would have moved on and not given Lara a second thought, but Kerri really wants her to succeed, and it’s not just that. I think they genuinely became really good friends over the last few years.”

Charlotte nodded. “Yeah. I like her,” she heard herself say. “I can see why Kerri stuck with her for so long.”

“You know Jerry tried to get me to sign with him when Kerri decided she was leaving.”

“No, I didn’t know that.” Charlotte’s lips slid into a smile. “Although that doesn’t surprise me.”

“He thought I was absolutely insane for going with Lara.”

Charlotte shook her head. “He’s good at what he does because he’s ruthless, but I hope he dropped it after you declined.”

“Yes and no. Every time I see him, he brings it up.” Ada chuckled. “I don’t know how you haven’t fired him yet. I know he’s one of the best, but god is he difficult.”

“Oh, I know.”

“You should think about switching.”

“To who?”

Ada stared at her like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Lara.”

Charlotte waved her off. “No.”
